


jiāng MC tsjang

1. take in hand, take hold of; have in hand.
a. give a hand to; support; protect.
2. use, employ; apply.
a. (med.) sgl. or 將爲 jiāngwéi, 將謂 jiāngwèi, take as, regard as, consider as.
3. take along, bring along.
a. escort, accompany, attend on; see off.
b. (med.) ensuing, consequently.
4. modal ADV marking future action or intent: about to, will, intend to; e.g. 吾將問之 wú jiāng wèn zhī, I am going to ask about it; 子將奚先 zǐ jiāng xī xiān, you intend to put what first?; 將以釁鐘 jiāng yǐ xìn zhōng, we are going to use it to consecrate a bell; 其將何辭以對 qí jiāng hécí yǐ duì, he will likely respond with what words? a. in the offing, impending.
5. (med.) modal ADV indicating uncertainty, possibility, or mild suggestion: might; e.g. 將無 jiāngwú, might it not be that . . ., wouldn’t you agree that . . ., isn’t it that . . .?; syn. 得無 déwú.
6. or, otherwise, alternatively.
a. (med.) and, together with, likewise; in parallel phrases often matched with syn.s 共 gòng, 與 yǔ, etc.; e.g. 暫伴月將影 zhàn bàn yuè jiāng yǐng, for a while accompanying the moon and my shadow.

jiàng MC tsjangH

1. lead, head, command; be in charge of; e.g. 將軍 jiàngjūn, leader of the army, general.

將館子於都 將軍 將爲 將謂 將無 將以釁鐘

不知老之將至云爾 後有大患將奈之何





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