


wài MC ngwajH

1. outside, not within specified area or topic; beyond, outer; external; e.g. 方外 fāngwài, beyond the confines (of normal life or society), ultramundane.
a. ref. to larger world, in contrast to inner (nei 內) closed world of home or family; the common people and lives outside the bounds of the court; one’s public actions, in contrast to one’s thoughts, feelings, and intent.
2. outer surface, exterior.
3. exoteric, comprehensible or suited to the uninitiated; not within the limits and expectations of a specific manner; e.g. 外傳 wàizhuàn, exoteric account or biography, not bound by normal limits of official history; 外編 wàibiān, “outer chapters,” not the central or essential sections, also those dealing with topics of relatively more popular or common matter; (Budd.) 外書 wàishū, non-Budd., secular writings.
4. outland(s), hinterland(s); foreign.
5. place outside or at a distance; regard as outside or distant.
6. prefix to relationship terms indicating connection with maternal line or with wife’s lineage; e.g. 外妹 wàimèi, mother’s daughter by a different father than her other children; 外戚 wàiqī, emperor’s consort families; 外甥 wàishēng, nephew, son of a sister; 外孫 wàisūn, maternal grandson (equiv. 女子 nǚzǐ, “daughter’s son,” scribal pun for 好 hǎo, fine).
7. (med.) wife’s term of address for husband.

外編 外傳 外舅 外妹 外寧必有內憂 外戚 外腎 外甥 外書 外孫


方外 嶺外 塞外 望外 以外





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