


shàng MC dzyangH

dzyangX (when
1. on top, above; on high, higher; up(ward).
a. respectful term for emperor, “His Highness.”
b. superior in rank, status, or quality; supreme, best, highest; e.g. (Budd.) 上佛道 shàngfódào, supreme Buddha-path; (Budd.) 上人 shàngrén, “superior one,” “Your Reverence,” respectful epithet for monk; (Dao.) 上清 shàngqīng, “Highest Clarity,” name of the heaven whose deities bestowed the revelations of 364-370 and by which those revelations are known.
2. earlier in time (time thought of as descending from higher to lower); former, prior; e.g. 上世 shàngshì, earlier generations; 上古 shànggǔ, high antiquity.
3. first in a sequence, esp. of 2 (上, 下) or 3 (上, 中, 下); e.g. 上卷 shàngjùan, first fascicle.
a. aforementioned, before.
4. present or submit, hand up, offer up a document or offering to someone of higher rank, incl. emperor or spirit.
5. place above, in fact or thought; prefer; exalt; hallow; after mid-Han times usu. replaced in this meaning by 尚 shàng.

shǎng MC dzyangX

1. go up, ascend, get on (as in climbing a mountain, mounting a horse or carriage, boarding a board, etc.) a. go forward, proceed onward.
2. (med.) ref. words of “rising” tone in the spoken language; rising-tone words classified as “oblique” or “deflected” (仄 zè), along with those in “departing” (去 qù) and “entering” (入 rù) tones, in binary contrast to those in “level” (平 píng) tone.

上佛道 上古 上卷 上清 上人 上世 上巳節 上台 上尾 上元 上章 上坐


不得而非其上 供上 河上 令上 王坐於堂上 霄上 已上 尊上





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