


hún MC hwon

1. “cloud-soul,” spiritual or ethereal soul, strongly associated with person’s non-material elements and propensities; upward-tending and drawn to natural home in the heavens, where it disperses upon person’s bodily death; in early times object of ritual to “summon back the soul” (zhaohun 招魂) of deceased, before formal acceptance of person’s demise; seen as able to depart from body during dreams; representative of yang in contrast with the yin-derived 魄 pò (“white-soul,” carnal or material soul, which returns to earth upon person’s death); often said to be 3 in number (cf. 7 for po).
2. emblematic of one’s mental and emotional properties, one’s “spirit” in figurative sense.

日魂 銷魂 招魂





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