


fēng MC pjuwng

1. wind(y), breeze(y); air(y), gust(y), windblown, wind-swept; e.g. 春風 chūnfēng, spring breeze, with connotations of renewed vitality, freshness, often (esp. in poetry) erotic suggestiveness; 風塵 fēngchén, wind-blown dust, usu. suggesting cares, vicissitudes, and transience of human life.
a. by synecdoche, weather, climate; e.g. 風景 fēngjǐng, wind and sunlight, the feel of the air, (fine) weather and scenery.
b. fleet, quick as the wind.
2. prevailing atmosphere, aura, pervading influence; spiritual tenor; general feeling; e.g. 風聲 fēngshēng, “prevailing voice,” contemporary reputation.
a. climate of custom, manners, mores.
b. vogue; mode, style, fashion(able).
c. (med.) 風流 fēngliú, term of much importance and positive regard in describing the behavior of certain persons: natural dignity with flair, a gentleman’s polished indifference to polish, sprezzatura, cultivated manners, stylish manner, stylishly cultivated, stylishly refined, panache and urbanity, flowing charm, “a drifter with the wind” (N.B. do not translate as “romantic”).
3. (lit.) air, in 國風 guófēng, “Airs of the States,” collective name for odes in 1st section of Shijing, traditionally regarded as expressing the sentiments of the commonfolk of the various feudal states of Zhou.
4. (med.) (lit.) the style, temper, or mood of a composition, its animating force directed outward, often paired with gu 骨 (underlying structure or argument).
5. wind in an etiological role, thought to cause various illnesses; to strike with malign or debilitating influence, resulting in stroke, heart attack, paralysis, dizziness, migraine, etc.; e.g. 風癲 fēngdiān, epilepsy, grand mal seizure.

fěng MC pjuwngH

1. ⦿ 諷 fěng, criticize indirectly.

風塵 風癲 風角 風景 風流 風聲

晨風 春風 防風 谷風 古風 國風 回風 景風 凱風 閬風 臨風 流風 龍風 排風 搶風 融風 朔風 颸風 條風 摶風 微風 信風 玄風 旋風 陰風 英風 鷹風





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