


MC lje

1. to part from, separate; leave; e.g. 離緒 líxù, emotions at parting; 離居 líjū, leave one’s home; also, live apart; 離位 líwèi, give up one’s post.
a. disengage(ment), detached; distinct from, distinct(ive); disjunct(ion); divide(d); e.g. 離宮 lígōng, detached palace; 離合 líhé, divide and join; 離群 líqún, apart from the flock, on one’s own, with implication of loneliness or superiority; 離俗 lísú, avoid the everyday world, disengage from the vulgar.
b. stray from, astray; estrange(ment); divorce oneself from; be or get free of; e.g. 離落 líluò, aimlessly astray, drifting rootlessly; 離書 líshū, bill of divorce; 離結 líjié, free from bonds; (Budd.) 離垢 lígòu, free from impurities.
2. dispose(d), set out, array(ed), align(ed).
3. pass through, experience.
a. encounter, meet with (unfortunately); mishap, mischance; ⦿ 罹 lí; e.g. (lit.) 離騷 lísāo, “Encountering Sorrow,” 1st and chief poem of the Chuci 楚辭 collection.
4. pair(ed) with; side-by-side; e.g. 火離 huǒlí, (the bird) paired with fire, i.e. phoenix.
5. rdup., distant and dense; also, divorced and disjoined, split and splintered; also, distinctly disposed; also, in ample array; also, hanging heavy (of grain).
6. (bn.) 離靡 límí (MC lje-mje), tightly tangled, continuously connected; (bn.) 離披 lípī (MC ljephje), scattered far and wide.
7. trsc. of Skt. li, lī, le, re.
8. ⦿ 蘺 lí, lovage; 褵 lí 1, bride’s scent-pouch; 2, (bn.) 離褷 líshī, fluffy and flossy.

MC lejH

1. attach(ed) to, tie(d) to; cling, cohere; ⦿ 麗 lì 2.
a. “Cohering,” name of 30th hexagram of the Yijing.
2. orbit of the moon.

離宮 離垢 離合 離結 離居 離落 離靡 離披 離群 離騷 離褷 離書 離俗 離位 離緒

火離 陸離





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