


suī MC swij

1. preceding either verbs /VB-phrases or nouns/ noun-phrases, marks a concessive clause: (conceding the fact of or that >) although, even though, even, even if; e.g. 雖曰未學吾必謂之學矣 suī yuē wèixué, wú bì wèi zhī xué yǐ, although he said “I have not yet learned it,” I would inevitably refer to him as learned; 雖百世可知也 suī bǎishì kězhī yě, even a hundred ages can be known; 雖大國必畏之矣 suī dàguó bì wèi zhī yǐ, even great states would inevitably stand in awe of him; 雖然吾嘗聞之矣 suīrán wú cháng wén zhī yǐ, even so, I have already heard it once; 雖與之天下不能一朝居也 suī yǔ zhī tiānxià, bùnéng yīzhāo jū yě, even if one gave him the subcelestial realm, he would not be able to retain it for a single morning.

雖百世可知也 雖大國必畏之矣 雖復 雖涸井而竭池 雖然吾嘗聞之矣 雖舜紂亦不能去民之好義 雖與之天下 雖曰未學





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