


yǐn MC ‘j+nX

1. conceal(ment), hide away, keep under wraps; disguise, camouflage.
a. place away from normal view, out of sight; ensconce, secrete; e.g. 隱曲 yǐnqū, remote and out of the way.
b. secretly, covertly; in private.
c. quiet(ly), without fuss; e.g. 隱定 yǐndìng, quiet certitude.
2. reticent, reticence; e.g. 隱約 yǐnyuē, taciturn yet telling; also, secluded and straitened.
a. withdraw(n), seclude; reclusion, retire (-ment), out of the public eye, esp. avoid taking office; e.g. 隱淪 yǐnlún, “sunk in obscurity,” reclusive.
b. regard as taboo, avoid saying or doing.
3. obscure, dark(en); dull, make dull; veil(ed); indistinct; e.g. (med.) 隱化 yǐnhuà, “transform mysteriously (or, into darkness),” euph. for to die.
a. enigma(tic), riddle; puzzle, conundrum.
b. inexplicable, undefinable; arcane, recondite.
4. grieve, be pained at.
5. a surname.

yìn MC ‘j+nH

1. lean on, rest against.

隱定 隱化 隱淪 隱曲 隱約

硡隱 淪隱 硼隱 索隱 中隱





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