


ē MC ‘a

1. mountain slope, talus, sloping face of mountain; hillside; high ridge.
2. sloping riverbank, embankment.
3. anfractuosity of hillside or riverbank; hern, corner, nook (of mountain); bight (of river); angle, bend, crook (of either).
4. buttress, prop; brace, strut.
a. support, maintain; shore up.
5. be partial to, side with; inclined to, biased toward.
a. cater to, pander to, truckle to; losenge(r).
6. fine, thin silk.
a. soft, delicate, ⦿ 婀 ē.

ā MC ‘a

1. familiar prefix to terms of relationship or unspecified pronoun; e.g. 阿母 āmǔ, mother; 阿姊 āzǐ, sis(ter); 阿誰 āshuí, who(m)ever; 阿奴 ānú, “slavey,” pet name for younger brothers.
2. (med.) 阿堵 ādǔ, colloquialism for “this, these,” demonstrative pronoun.
3. trsc. of Skt. a, ā.
a. (Budd.) 阿含 āhán (MC ‘a-hom), trsc. Skt. āgama, general term for those scriptures attributed to the Buddha and his closest disciples; 阿難 ā’nán (MC ‘a-nan), trsc. of Skt. ānanda, name of one of the chief disciples of Gautama Buddha, the putative source of many early scriptures because of his keen memory of the Buddha’s words; 阿修羅 āxiūluó (MC ‘a-sjuw-la), trsc. Skt. asura, spirit, esp. demon; 阿彌陀 āmítuó (MC ‘a-mjieX-da), trsc. Skt. amita, boundless, infinite, the Chinese trsl. of the term being 無量 wúliàng, hence 無量光 wúliàngguāng, (buddha of) boundless light < Skt. Amitābha, and 無量壽 wúliàngshòu, (buddha of) infinite life < Skt. Amitāyus; 阿毘曇 āpítán (MC ‘a-bjijdom), trsc. Skt. abhidharma, general term for Budd. exegetical works usu. of highly technical nature; 阿拏 ā’ná (MC ‘a-nrae), trsc. Skt. aṇu, impartite bit of matter, atom.
b. 阿麻勒 āmálè (MC ‘a-mae-lok), trsc. Skt. āmalika, emblic myrobalan, Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), astringent fruit used medicinally, esp. for reputed anti-aging properties.
c. 阿耆尼 āqíní (MC ‘a-gij-nrij), trsc. Skt. agni, Agni or Argi, ancient name of Karashahr, city-state on northern route of Silk Road at north-central edge of Taklamakan Desert.
4. (med.) 阿濫堆 ālànduī, the North China skylark (Alauda arvensis).

阿堵 阿堵物 阿房 阿含 阿濫堆 阿蘭若 阿鷚 阿羅漢 阿麻勒 阿彌陀 阿母 阿拏 阿難 阿奴 阿毘曇 阿耆尼 阿誰 阿修羅 阿姊






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