


dào MC dawX

1. way that leads somewhere, road, route, pathway, passage.
2. the Way; as image suggesting how things actually exist, fundamental reality, a constant Way in which the diverse ways of living and relating are essentially balanced and whole.
a. conceptual term used by all schools of thought, with same root metaphor but varying connotations: Confucian “Way” incl. norms of social responsibility and personal conduct exemplified by ideal worthies such as King Wen of the Zhou, the Duke of Zhou, etc.; Dao. “Way” points to absolute and ineffable reality behind flux and modalities of the world, and advisability of taking it as model; Budd. “Way” incl. possibility of release from the round-of-birth-and-death (saṃsāra) and recognition of contingent and impermanent nature of human existence.
b. 道士 dàoshì, gentleman of the Way, exemplar of the Confucian “Way”; also, expert in the Way, specialist in occult or mantic practices, syn. 方士 fāngshì; also (med.), Dao. adept, usu. associated with an organized Dao. community (see 5a below), priest. N.B. Contrast these with (med.) 道人 dàorén, man of religion, a Budd. monk (not Dao.).
3. way of doing something, course of action, method, proper procedure, practice; e.g. 所以求之之道 suǒyǐ qiú zhī zhi dào, the means by which one seeks it; 道場 dàocháng, place of practice, arena of the Way, altar, Budd. or Dao. chapel.
a. guiding road, rule of conduct, principle, guidelines.
b. doctrine, tenets, dicta; teachings.
c. (Budd.) the Buddha-path, path to enlightenment.
4. skill or art of a particular kind, specialization.
5. ideas and teachings esp. associated with the texts Zhuangzi and Laozi (or Daodejing); e.g. 道家 dàojiā, lineage of the Way, bibliographic category ref. to these and related texts, often defined as “philosophical Daoism” in contrast to next.
a. practices esp. associated with movements and texts relating to masters of self-cultivation, pursuit of immortality, and various organized religious communities, esp. those ultimately deriving from the Way of the Celestial Masters (tianshidao 天師道) founded in mid-2nd-c.
CE; e.g. (med.) 道教 dàojiào, teaching of the Way, from early 5th-c. CE a term assoc. with groups and texts just described, often defined now as “religious Daoism.”
6. say, speak; express, communicate orally; cue.
7. circuit, administrative area outside the usu. prefecture/district ( junxian 郡縣) structure; in Han times ref. frontier areas mainly populated by non-Chinese; in Tang times also ref. frontier area but from 706 on more importantly to large units of province size throughout the state, each of which (10 at first) incl. many prefectures and governed by special commissioners (shi 使).
8. (med.) understand, be aware of; think, presume.
a. (med.) expect; have a sense that X is likely to happen.

dǎo MC dawH

1. ⦿ 導 dǎo 1, lead, show the way, conduct, guide.

道場 道德 道德經 道家 道教 道門 道人 道士 道周

不以其道得之 凡三道者 張道陵

馳道 覆道 孔道 配義與道 上佛道 所以求之之道 天道 天師道 通道 甬道 棧道 中道 周道 祖道





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