


MC khiX

1. stand up, get up, rise; stand upright; e.g. 起居 qǐjū, arising and resting, activity and repose, esp. ref. to emperor’s daily affairs; also, general term for deportment.
a. rise, surge, ascend; prosper, flourish.
b. arise, emerge, appear.
c. begin, start, launch, initiate, undertake, set about doing.
d. protrude; raised, elevated; convex, in relief.
e. set out, embark on a journey.
2. help up, raise, lift up.
a. heal, cure.
b. produce, engender; give rise to, set in motion, stimulate, arouse, agitate.
c. formulate, conjecture.
d. set up, establish, erect; build, construct.
e. promote, appoint, call to office, employ.
3. originate, stem from, derive from.
4. (med.) (GP) verbal suffix indicating action of VB has begun or is now possible.
5. (med.) “call up,” in Tang times the recalling of an official in mourning to resume his previous post or take on a new position.


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