


xíng MC haeng

1. to march in order, as soldiers; walk forward; e.g. (Budd.) 行像 xíngxiàng, walking the Buddha’s image in procession.
2. to move, proceed, act; perform(ance).
a. actor, agent; e.g. 五行 wǔxing, “the Five Agents.”
b. follower; e.g. (Budd.) 行人 xíngrén, 行者 xíngzhe, “follower [of Buddha],” Budd. monk.
3. to engage in; to conduct; to effect, put into practice, implement; e.g. (med.) 行散 xíngsǎn, stimulate or activate the effects of cold-food powder (hanshisan 寒食散) or five-mineral powder (wushisan 五石散) by walking.
4. pre-verbal indicator of future action, “is going to VB.”
5. temporary, transient, e.g. 行宮 xínggōng, temporary residence of emperor when traveling away from capital; marker of provisional office, “acting as”—used between the nominal and substantive office-title when the former is higher (cf. 守 shòu).
6. to leave, depart from.
a. leave one’s home in order to marry (equiv.
嫁 jià).
7. (med.) “cursive script,” calligraphic style freer than kaishu 楷書 but not as individualistic as caoshu 草書.

xìng MC haengH

1. actions; condσuct, behavior; custom(ary).
2. (Budd.) conditioned states, conditioned things, those things that arise out of causes and conditions and constantly change, trns. of Skt. saṃskāra.
a. (Budd.) “formations” of habitual action.

háng MC hang

1. walkway, road.
2. column, line, row, e.g. of soldiers, serried mountains, written text.
a. order of clan relatives in one generation.

hàng MC hangH

1. rdup., bold and unbending, steadfast and firm.

行方 行宮 行李 行氣 行人 行散 行像 行役 行者 行狀

何以行之 及行事 君子之行奈何 禮以行之 我乃行之

不用賢人則不行 粗行 非周公之行 福行 何爲不行 苦行 留行 聽其言而信其行 微行 危行 五行 現行 執行 周行





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