


MC gi

1. pronominal substitute for noun or nounphrase + 之 zhī.
a. as a possessive pronoun: his, her, their, its, one’s; e.g. 鄉人之善者好之其不善者惡之 xiāngrén zhī shànzhě hào zhī, qí búshànzhě wù zhī, the good people of the village like him, its bad people detest him; 事父母能竭其力 shì fùmǔ néng jié qí lì, in serving their parents, they are able to expend to the fullest capacity their effort; 聽其言而信其行 tīng qí yán ér xìn qí xíng, having heard his words, I trusted in his actions; 見其過 jiàn qí guò, to see one’s faults.
b. standing pronominally for SUBJ + 之 zhī in nominalized sentences; e.g. 其爲人也孝弟 qí wéi rén yě xiào tì, As for his behaving the way a person is expected to behave, he is filial and adelphic; 其如是 qí rúshì, its being like this; 吾不忍其觳觫 wú bùrěn qí húsù, I cannot bear its frightened and trembling appearance.
c. in a partitive construction, refers pronominally to a class a subpart of which is the topic: of them, of that, of those, of these; e.g. 可者與之其不可者拒之 kězhě yù zhī, qí bùkězhě jù zhī, for those where it is possible, join with them; for those of them where it is not possible, resist them; 美其一 měi qí yī, make one of them attractive; 其誰能睹是 qí shéi néng dǔ shì, who among them is able to observe this?
d. in the phrase 與其 yǔqí indicates the less preferred option in a kind of comparison: rather than; e.g. 與其從辟人之士 yǔqí cóng bìrén zhī shì, rather than following individuals who shun others; 與其奢 yǔqí shē, rather than being extravagant; 寧 nìng (níng).
2. modal GP indicating doubt, uncertainty, supposition, subjectivity, or incredulity, either genuine or as a rhetorical expression of deference or politeness, frequently in rhetorical questions: ought, should, perhaps, likely, must, possibly; e.g. 不在此其在異國 búzài cǐ, qí zài yìguó, they are not located here; [I suppose that] they must be in a different state; 人其賤我乎 rén qí jiàn wǒ hū, are the people likely to disparage us?; 樂其可知 yuè qí kězhī, perhaps the music can be known; 其何以免乎 qí héyǐ miǎn hū, how could he possibly avoid it?

其不可者拒之 其不善者惡之 其出人也遠矣 其何以免乎 其將何辭以對 其母鄭氏 其如是 其誰能睹是 其所不愛及其所愛 其爲人也 其爲人也奈何 其爲人也孝弟 其無後乎 其心曰是何足與言仁義也云爾 其心曰是何足與言仁義也云云 其言不讓 其於我也 其在異國 其子焉往

彼奪其民時 不知其仁也 凡婦人從其夫之爵位 各言其志 攻充其言 觀其徼 觀其妙 盍反其本 即不忍其觳觫 見其過 美其一 女奚不曰其爲人也 若是其大乎 微禹吾其魚乎 我非愛其財也 吾不忍其觳觫 與其奢

必其 與其





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