


ruò MC nyak

1. (be) like, similar to; compare with.
a. following a vb or vb-phrase, introduces descriptive complement: like, similar to; syn. 如 rú 1.
2. comply with, agree, assent to; approve; concordant, compliant; cog. 諾 nùo.
3. introduces a conditional clause: if; e.g. 王若隱其無罪而就死地 wáng ruò yǐn qí wúzuì ér jiù sǐdì, if the king was pained by its going to its place of death, having committed no wrong; 若時雨降 ruò shíyǔ jiàng, if the seasonal rains come (down); syn. 如 rú 4.
a. 若夫 ruòfú, introduces a topic contrasted with a preceding topic: but if, but as for; e.g. 若夫成功則天也 ruòfú chénggōng zé tiān yě, but if you succeed, it is thanks to heaven; 若夫君子所患 ruòfú jūnzi suǒhuàn, but as for what a man of noble status regards as a disaster.
4. used attributively to an embedded clause: that sort of, that kind of; e.g. 以若所爲求若所欲 yǐ ruò suǒwéi qiú ruò suǒyù, to use that sort of act to satisfy that sort of desire.
a. demonstrative pronoun: this, such a(n); syn. 如 rú 3b.
5. with regard to, concerning, pertaining, as to . . . ; syn. 如 rú 5.
6. 2nd-person pronoun: you; syn. 如 rú 6.
7. indicative of being undetermined or unspecified, sometimes interr. ; e.g. 若干 ruògān, so many, so much; 若人 ruòrén, some person, someone; (med.) 若個 ruògè, which (of them)? 8. (med.) 若復 ruòfù, or; and also.
9. sgl. or in cmpd. 杜若 dùruò, pollia (Pollia japonica), herbaceous perennial that grows from stems of 1 to 3 feet, produces small, fragrant white flowers.
10. name of a sea-god.
11. 若榴 ruòliú (MC nyak-ljuw), pomegranate, trsc. Sog. n’r’kh.

MC nyaeX

1. (Budd.) 般若 or 波若 bōrě (MC pa-nyaeX), trsc. Skt. prajñā, wisdom, gnosis; 般若波羅蜜 bōrěbōluómì (MC pa-nyaeX-pa-la-mit), trsc. Skt. prajñāpāramitā, perfection of wisdom; 阿蘭若 ālánrě (MC ‘a-lan-nyaeX) or abb. 蘭若 lánrě (MC lannyaeX), trsc. Skt. araṇya, quiet refuge, hermitage.

若垂天之雲 若夫 若復 若夫成功則天也 若夫君子所患 若干 若個 若令 若榴 若其未有君亦圖之 若然者吾奈之何 若人 若使 若是其大乎 若是小丈夫然 若時雨降


阿蘭若 必若 般若 波若 杜若 蘭若 託若 宜若 諭若





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