


gǒu MC kuwX

1. meager, slight, minimal.
2. sgl. or 苟且 gǒuqiě, with scant attention to, not in the least concerned; careless, haphazard; frivolous(ly), casual(ly).
3. marks conditional clause where the specified condition is not just a minimal condition, but typically the only thing of consequence: if, irrespective of anything else; if only, if at all; e.g. 苟志於仁矣無惡也 gǒu zhì yú rén yǐ, wú è yě, if, irrespective of anything else, one’s inclination were set on humaneness, there would be no ugliness; 苟爲後義而先利 gǒu wéi hòuyì ér xiānlì, if, apart from anything else, you relegate propriety to a second place, and instead give precedence to profit; 苟行王政四海之內皆舉首而望之 gǒu xíng wángzhèng, sìhǎi zhī nèi jiē jǔshǒu ér wàng zhī, if, apart from anything else, he would enact a royal government, within the four seas people in all cases would lift up their heads to look at him.
4. 苟杞 gǒuqǐ, wolfberry, boxtree, boxthorn (Lycium chinense, Lycium barbarum).

苟杞 苟且 苟爲後義而先利 苟行王政 苟志於仁矣





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