


nèi MC nwojH

1. inside, within specified area or topic; interior, inner(most), internal; e.g. 方內 fāngnèi, within the confines (of normal life or society), inframundane; (Dao.) 內視 nèishì, inward vision, the ability to see clearly and affect the interior of one’s body with its viscera and various bodygods, a practice aided by different somatic and meditation techniques.
a. ref. home or family, in contrast to outer (wai 外) larger world; the court, in contrast to the common people and lives outside; one’s own thoughts, feelings, and intent, in contrast to one’s public actions; e.g. (med.) 內家 nèijiā, “inner household,” i.e. the court; also ref. palace women.
2. esoteric, comprehensible or suited to the initiated; e.g. 內傳 nèizhuàn, esoteric account or biography, providing information not typically reported; 內編 nèibiān, “inner chapters,” the central or essential sections, or those dealing with topics of relatively more privileged matter; (Budd.) 內典 nèidiǎn, “inner canons,” Budd. writings, in contrast to secular texts.
a. intimate, private; intimacy.
3. ref. the persons who normally stay “inside,” i.e. wife, concubine, palace woman; e.g. (med.) 內子 nèizǐ, wife (also self-referential); (med.) 內人 nèirén, palace lady, incl. entertainers.

MC nop

1. ⦿ 納 nà (later graph for VB uses of 內), enter, pass into; give entrance to, bring in; accept, take in, admit; include, keep within; install (as); send in, hand in, present, turn over to.

內編 內傳 內典 內觀 內家 內人 內腎 內視 內史 內子

方內 海內 闔四境之內 宇內 阻其山以保魏之河內





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