


MC hu

1. dewlap.
2. curved blade on underside of glaive or guisarme.
3. far-reaching; considerable, great; e.g. 胡休 húxiū, great beneficence; 胡考 húkǎo, 胡耇 húgǒu, long-lived, person of considerable age.
4. term for northern (i.e. Turk., proto-Mongol) and western (i.e. Central Asian, Turk., Iranian) “barbarians”; depending on context, translate as: foreign(er), north(ern), western(er), Hun(nish), barbarian, uncouth.
a. 胡麻 húmá, “western hemp-seeds,” i.e. sesame (Sesamum indicum); 胡桃 hútáo, “foreign peach,” i.e. walnut ( Juglans regia); 胡蕙 húhuì, “western melilot,” i.e. cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium), mainly from India.
5. interr. pronoun: what?, how?, why?; cf. 何 hé, 奚 xī, 曷 hé, 盍 hé; e.g. 胡不遄死 hú bùchuán sǐ, why should he not hasten to die? 余胡弗知 yú hú fúzhī, why do I not know of it? 胡可比也 hú kěbǐ yě, how can he be compared with? a. 胡爲 húwèi, on account of what > why ?; e.g. 胡爲其不可以反宿也 húwèi qí bùkěyǐ fǎn sù yě, why might he not be able to return it to its repose? 君胡爲有憂色 jūn húwèi yǒu yōu sè, why do you, my lord, have such a concerned look?

胡不 胡不遄死 胡憯莫懲 胡牀 胡耇 胡耉 胡蕙 胡椒 胡考 胡可比也 胡麻 胡荽 胡桃 胡桐 胡爲 胡爲其不可以反宿也 胡休

柴胡 茈胡 化胡 旋胡





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