


kōng MC khuwng

1. empty, void; vacant, unoccupied.
a. hiatus, blank; gap.
b. uninhabited area, wilderness; e.g. 空閑 kōngxián, wasteland, desert.
2. space; the sky, the air; e.g. 碧空 bìkōng, the cyan void, elegant variation for 青天 qīngtiān, blue sky; (Dao.) 太空 tàikōng, Grand Emptiness, locus of Dao. stellar mansions.
a. (bn.) 空同 or 空洞 kōngtóng (MC khuwngduwng), the hollow (of) space, hollow and cavernous.
3. hollow; insubstantial, immaterial; e.g. (Budd.) trns. of Skt. śūnya, śūnyatā, the essential insubstantiality and illusoriness of all phenomena; 空無 kōngwú, emptiness and nothingness.
4. vapid(ly), in vain, to no avail, pointless(ly).
5. (med.) (ADV) do no more than VB, to VB and nothing else; e.g. 空飲 kōngyǐn, just drink; drink it straight.
a. (med.) sgl. or 空自 kōngzì, personally, by oneself; alone.
b. (med.) simple, plain, with nothing added; e.g. 空飯 kōngfàn, a plain meal.
6. transparent (of water).

kòng MC khuwngH

1. empty out; deprive(d of), devoid of OBJ.

空洞 空飯 空即是色 空同 空無 空閑 空飲 空餘 空自

碧空 橫空 色即是空 司空 太空





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