


zhī MC trje

1. know, perceive with senses or mind, factual knowing.
a. comprehend, understand.
2. recognize, acknowledge, be(come) acquainted with, ken.
a. appreciate; rightly recognize and value true quality.
b. be on terms of closeness with, befriend; e.g. (med.) 知聞 zhīwén, friendship, intimacy.
3. make known, reveal.
4. have mastery over, control, manage, superintend, esp. in governmental contexts and certain official titles, the one “in the know,” the one responsible for affairs.
5. (med.) presume, expect, look forward to, foresee, often in conjunction with interr. ; e.g. 豈知 qǐzhī, 何知 hézhī, how could one (have) predict(ed)?; 知復何言 zhīfù héyán, 知復奈何 zhīfù nàihé, how can this be made better? can we expect something else? zhì MC trjeH
1. ⦿ 智 zhì, knowledge, wisdom.

知復何言 知復奈何 知母 知省 知聞 知音 知之者不如好之者

不知禮 不知命 不知省 不知言 聰以知遠 觀過斯知仁矣 患不知人也 孰不知禮 我非生而知之者也 無以知人也 奚以知之 向見雷將軍方知足下軍令矣 以是知其能 子曰汝安知魚樂云

不患人之不己知 何知 樂其可知 良知 逆知 豈知 余胡弗知 欲知 之二蟲又何知





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