


bái MC baek

1. the color white; associated in wuxing correspondences with the phase or agent of metal, the season of autumn, direction west, etc.; e.g. 白虎 báihǔ, white tiger, emblematic animal of autumn; also, ref. the western quadrant of the sky; 白日 báirì, white light of day, broad daylight.
a. symbolic of decline, decay, aging.
2. plain; ordinary, common, simple; undistinguished; 白丁 báidīng, 白身 báishēn, 白衣 báiyī, plain folk, ordinary people, commoners, plainly-clothed, (Budd.) laymen.
3. clear to see or understand, plain; make clear.
a. say plainly, declare, report, inform; reveal, make evident; esp. communication from inferior to superior; (med.) often a simple indication of statement: to address.
b. candid, frank; undisguised, unadorned.
4. blank, bare; stark; empty; e.g. 白足 báizú, barefooted, (Budd.) monk, mendicant.
a. with no purpose; in vain, idle; idly.
5. (med.) 白地 báidì, all of a sudden, unexpectedly, abruptly.
6. euph. for silver; e.g. 白魚 báiyú, silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix).
7. 白石英 báishíyīng, “bloom of white stone,” quartz; 白芳香 báifāngxiāng, 白茅香 báimáoxiāng, vanilla grass, sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata), aromatic herb resembling citronella.
8. (Budd.) when used as surname for monk, ethnonym indicating Khotanese ancestry.

白地 白地斷肝腸 白丁 白礬 白芳香 白坿 白虹 白虎 白棃 白茅香 白蘄 白日 白身 白似雪 白石英 白朮 白鷳 白楊 白衣 白魚 白芷 白足

斑白 頒白 浮白 堅白 茭白 李白 沙舊白 私白 鮮白 咨白





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