


MC ‘u

1. crow, daw; raven.
a. 山烏 shānwū, “mountain daw,” i.e. yellowbilled chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus), syn. 鸀 zhuó.
2. crow-black, raven-colored; black.
a. 烏臼 wūjiù, black drongo (Dicurus macrocercus), small passerine with distinctly creaking call, often considered a herald of dawn in advance of cock-crow.
b. 烏賊 wūzéi, “black thief,” cuttlefish (Sepia esculenta).
3. preverbal interr. pronoun: how . . .?; where . . .?; e.g. 秦烏能與齊縣衡 qín wū néng yǔ qí xiànhéng How could Qin be on a par in strength with Qi?; 故亂世之主烏聞至樂 gù luànshì zhī zhǔ wū wén zhìlè, Assuredly, how would the rulers of a chaotic age hear about the ultimate in joys?; ⦿ 惡 wū 1 (è).
4. 烏乎, 烏呼, 烏虖 wūhū, sigh of sadness: alas! 5. (med.) 烏爹泥 wūdiēní, gum arabic, hardened sap of acacia tree, imported from West Asia.

烏爹泥 烏呼 烏虖 烏乎 烏臼 烏頭 烏賊

慈烏 紅嘴烏 山烏 雅烏 燕烏 瞻烏





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