


zhèng MC tsyengH

1. correct, proper; conforming to standards, orthodox.
a. not inclined to one side, upright; just, impartial; exact.
b. normal, norm(ative); established, accepted.
2. rectify, correct, set right, regulate; e.g. 正名 zhèngmíng, get the words right, a particular concern of Confucius to have words match the reality of what they are applied to.
3. govern(ment), proper ordering of public and political affairs, ⦿ 政 zhèng.
4. principal, most important among several, often contrasted with 副 fù, secondary, auxiliary, assistant.
5. exactly, precisely, rightly, just this way.
a. just, merely, only.

zhēng MC tsyeng

1. 正月 zhēngyuè, first (“principal”) month of the lunar year, on which the rest of the calendar depends. N.B. According to the Xia 夏 calendar, zhengyue was the 1st month (i.e. 1st month of spring); but according to Yin 殷 calendar, zhengyue was the 12th month (i.e. last month of winter), and according to Zhou 周 calendar, zhengyue was the 11th month (i.e. 2nd month of winter).
2. target zone, exact center of a target.
3. ⦿ 征 zhēng 3, impost.
4. (bn.) 正營 zhēngyíng (MC tsyeng-yweng), discomposed, disconcerted, upset and unnerved, timidly.

正法 正名 正史 正營 正月







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