


tán MC dan

1. rosewood (Dalbergia hupeana, Dalbergia odorifera), straight-grained hardwood tree with light brown to mahogany-colored bark, from which a fragrant oil is extracted.
a. lustrous reddish-brown, from the deeper hues of rosewood bark.
2. sandalwood (Santalum album), mediumsized semi-parasitic tree with fragrant brownishyellow bark, from which a fragrant oil is extracted; known under names confusingly employing “rosewood,” because both trees are fragrant, e.g. 旃檀 zhāntán “oriflamme rosewood” (MC tsyen-dan, trsc. Skt. candana, sandalwood), 真檀 zhēntán “true rosewood,” 檀香 tánxiāng “rosewood aromatic,” all ref. sandalwood.
a. 紫檀 zǐtán, “purple rosewood,” sanderswood (Pterocarpus santalinus).
b. 檀心 tánxīn “sandal heart,” fawn colored, brownish-yellow or reddish-yellow.
3. 青檀 qīngtán, winged hackberry (Pteroceltis tatarinowii), a multi-stemmed tree that grows on hot, dry slopes and ravines; bark gray-white to dark gray, used in making paper.
4. (Budd.) alms, almsgiving, trsc. Skt. dāna, donation, also 檀施 tánshī.
a. 檀越 tányùe, almsgiver, combined trsc. and trns. Skt. dānapati.
5. (bn.) 檀欒 tánlúan (MC dan-lwan), slimly tapering; smoothly supple, gracile(ly), esp. of bamboo.
6. ⦿ 覃 tán, lengthy.

diàn MC tenH

1. eave of a roof.

檀欒 檀施 檀香 檀心 檀越

欃檀 青檀 石檀 旃檀 真檀 紫檀





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