

字词 产能过剩


excessive production capacity; production overcapacity; overcapacity


[1] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 370.
[2] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 383.
[3] Report on the Work of Government 2016. via:






1. 在这方面,中国采取的经济政策既对中国经济负责,也对世界经济负责。中国经济基本面良好,今年上半年国内生产总值增长7.6%。中国也面临着地方政府债务、部分行业产能过剩等问题。这些问题处于可控范围之内,我们正在采取措施解决。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:337

1. In this regard, China adopts its economic policies not only for the good of its own economy, but for the good of the world economy as well. China's economic fundamentals are good. In the f1tst half of this year its GDP grew by 7.6%. Nonetheless, China also faces such problems as high local government debt and excessive production capacity in some industries. These problems are controllable, atid we are taking measures to address them. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 370.

2. 我对中国经济持续健康发展抱着坚定信心。同时,我们对需求下滑、产能过剩、地方债务、影子银行等问题和挑战保持着清醒认识,对外部环境可能带来的冲击高度关注,正在采取稳妥应对举措,防患于未然。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:346

2. I am firmly convinced that the Chinese economy will maintain its sound growth. At the same time, we are soberly aware of potential problems and challenges from falling demand, production overcapacity, local debts and shadow banking, and we are paying close attention to possible impacts from external forces. In this connection, we are taking prudent and proper measures to forestall any potential problems. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 383.

3. 受全球贸易萎缩等因素影响,去年我国进出口总额出现下降,预期增长目标未能实现。投资增长乏力,一些行业产能过剩严重,部分企业生产经营困难,地区和行业走势分化,财政收支矛盾突出,金融等领域存在风险隐患。——《2016年政府工作报告》

3. With the decline in global trade, amongst other factors, China experienced a fall in its total imports and exports and failed to reach its growth objective in this regard Growth in investment is sluggish, overcapacity is a serious problem in certain industries, some enterprises are facing difficulties in production and operations, growth prospects ate mixed for different regions and different industries, notable imbalances exist between government revenue and expenditures, and there are latent risks in the financial and other sectors. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government 2016.


例句 1:
Excess capacity has been existed for a long time during the Chinese economic and social development. Government macro-control which is based on market mechanism is the main treatment method to deal with excess capacity, and has produced some desired results.

例句 2:
Since overcapacity arose the first time in the mid 1990s, China has experienced overcapacity three times, namely, late 1990s, 2003 to 2006, and 2009 till now.

例句 3:
Overcapacity is a very different concept from overproduction. It usually occurs in a particular category of goods or in certain industries, but they are essentially products of excess.





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