

字词 中等收入陷阱


middle-income trap




中等收入陷阱(Middle Income Trap),是指当一个国家的人均收入达到中等水平后,由于不能顺利实现经济发展方式的转变,导致新的增长动力不足,最终出现经济停滞徘徊的一种状态。世界银行《东亚经济发展报告(2006)》提出了“中等收入陷阱”(MiddleIncomeTrap)的概念,基本涵义是指:即鲜有中等收入的经济体成功地跻身为高收入国家,这些国家往往陷入了经济增长的停滞期,既无法在工资方面与低收入国家竞争,又无法在尖端技术研制方面与富裕国家竞争。按照世界银行的标准,2012年中国人均国内生产总值达到6100美元,已经进入中等收入偏上国家的行列。当今世界,绝大多数国家是发展中国家,存在所谓的“中等收入陷阱”问题。像巴西、阿根廷、墨西哥、智利、马来西亚等,在20世纪70年代均进入了中等收入国家行列,但直到2007年,这些国家仍然挣扎在人均GDP3000至5000美元的发展阶段,并且见不到增长的动力和希望。一个经济体从中等收入向高收入迈进的过程中,既不能重复又难以摆脱以往由低收入进入中等收入的发展模式,很容易出现经济增长的停滞和徘徊,人均国民收入难以突破1万美元。进入这个时期,经济快速发展积累的矛盾集中爆发,原有的增长机制和发展模式无法有效应对由此形成的系统性风险,经济增长容易出现大幅波动或陷入停滞。大部分国家则长期在中等收入阶段徘徊,迟迟不能进入高收入国家行列。“中等收入陷阱”发生的原因主要就是低端制造业转型失败,低端制造业可以带来中等收入,但是伴随而来的污染,低质,低价,都是恶性循环。低端制造改高端制造,是完全靠高科技解决,而高科技不是几十年能追赶的。(中等收入陷阱.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v24399035.htm?fromTitle=%E4%B8%AD%E7%AD%89%E6%94%B6%E5%85%A5%E9%99%B7%E9%98%B1)


via: http://baike.sogou.com/v24399035.htm?fromTitle=%E4%B8%AD%E7%AD%89%E6%94%B6%E5%85%A5%E9%99%B7%E9%98%B1


1. 我国是世界上最大的发展中国家,仍处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段,发展是硬道理,是解决一切问题的基础和关键。化解各种矛盾和风险,跨越“中等收入陷阱”,实现现代化,根本要靠发展,发展必须有合理的增长速度。同时,我国经济发展进入新常态,正处在爬坡过坎的关口,体制机制弊端和结构性矛盾是“拦路虎”,不深化改革和调整经济结构,就难以实现平稳健康发展。我们必须毫不动摇坚持以经济建设为中心,切实抓好发展这个执政兴国第一要务。必须坚持不懈依靠改革推动科学发展,加快转变经济发展方式,实现有质量有效益可持续的发展。——《2015政府工作报告》,2015

1. China is the largest developing country in the world; it is still in the primary stage of socialism, where it will remain for a long time to come. At this stage, development is of primary importance to China; it is both the basis for and the key to solving every problem we face. In order to defuse problems arid risks, avoid falling into the "middle-income trap," and achieve modernization, China must rely on development, and development requires an appropriate growth rate. At the same time, China's economic development has entered a new normal. Our country is in a crucial period during which challenges need to be overcome and problems need to be resolved. Systemic, institutional, and structural problems have become "tigers in the road" holding up development. Without deepening reform and making economic structural adjustments, we will have a difficult time sustaining steady and sound development. We must be adamant in pursuing economic development as our central task and make a thorough job of development as the top priority for ensuring the governance and revitalization of the country. We must continue to promote development in a sound and balanced way through reform and speed up the transformation of the growth model so as to achieve quality, efficient, and sustainable development. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2015.


例句 1:
With the economic slow down in the period of the 12th Five year Plan (FYP), the term of middle income trap has become the keyword to predict China’s economic prospect.

例句 2:
“Middle income trap” has not gained systematic support from development economics theories, but literature work has proved that economy development is a process from low-income level, middle-income level to high income level, along which is fulfilled with continuous and various development traps.

例句 3:
The Middle-income trap is the phenomenon with features such as a slow economic growth even stagnation, slow to enter the high-income countries and is accompanied by social unrest.





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