字词 | 阿奎那 |
释义 | 阿奎那【英】Thomas Aquinas (Saint Thomas)译文来源[1] Thomas Aquinas. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Aquinas 定义阿奎那(Thomas Aquinas,约1225年-1274年3月7日)是中世纪经院哲学的哲学家和神学家,他把理性引进神学,用 “自然法则”来论证“君权神圣”说。死后也被封为天使博士(天使圣师)或全能博士。他是自然神学最早的提倡者之一,也是托马斯哲学学派的创立者,成为天主教长期以来研究哲学的重要根据。他所撰写的最知名著作是《神学大全》(Summa Theologiae)。天主教教会认为他是历史上最伟大的神学家,将其评为33位教会圣师之一。他是西欧封建社会基督教神学和神权政治理论的最高权威,经院哲学的集大成者。他所建立的系统的、完整的神学体系对基督教神学的发展具有重要的影响,他本人被基督教会奉为圣人,有"神学界之王"之称。托马斯歪曲和利用亚里士多德关于形式和质料的学说,主张世界是上帝从虚无中创造出来的,断言世界的创造是有时间开端的;同时,上帝创造了一个等级制的宇宙系;最低层是大地及由水土火气四种元素构成的一切物质,之上是植物、动物和人,再上是天体,再之上就是整个世界所追求的最高目的──三位一体的上帝;还探讨了个别和一般的关系,认为存在于个别事物中的一般,并不是个别事物本身所固有的,而是寄居或隐藏在个别事物中的某种特殊实体。公元1274年,他应教皇格里高利十世的邀请,赴里昂参加宗教会议,不幸于途中逝世,年仅49岁(崔玉娈,2014:158)。 定义来源崔玉娈.中西政治思想家评传[M].上海交通大学出版社,2014. 例句1. 但是,如果唯物主义仅仅相当于承认主体之外的现实,那么柏拉图、阿奎那和他们的所有追随者也会是唯物主义者;这也是承认主体的自然性质,承认主体传统上被视为“精神的”活动的自然性质。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:253 1. But if materialism amounted merely to the recognition of a reality external to the subject, then Plato, Saint Thomas, and all their followers would also be materialists. Materialism is not just ‘realism’; it is also recognition of the physical nature of the subject, and of the physical nature of his activities traditionally regarded as ‘spiritual’. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 162. 2. 托马斯·阿奎那:“我们应当说,所有的亚当后裔都可以看作是一个人,因为他们从自己的始祖那里所承受下来的天性都是一样的,这正象所有住在一个郡里的人被看作一个整体,而整个郡被看作一个人一样。” ——《列宁全集(第二十五卷)》,1988:10 2. “Thomas Aquinas: ‘We must say that all men who are born of Adam may be regarded as one man, since they are identical in the nature which they inherited from their progenitor, just as, for example, all men who live in one county are regarded as one body, and the whole county as one man’....” -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 20), 1977: 194. 3. 请看司徒卢威先生是用什么样的手法来消灭马克思的一据一起,而中世纪的神学家托马斯·阿奎那为了论证原罪学说则把始袓亚当的后裔都算在一起。同时,为了“伟大的”雷努维埃,为了在19世纪宣扬过哲学唯心主义、用“规律”这一概念建立了宗教基础的雷努维埃,马克思被消灭了!!——《列宁全集(第二十五卷)》,1988:42-43 3. See by what methods Mr. Struve demolishes Marx’s “integral [as he himself admits] materialist world outlook”; he puts Marx on the same footing as a medieval theologian on the sole grounds that Marx takes the aggregate prices of commodities of a single branch of production, while the medieval theologian, Thomas Aquinas, takes all men who descend from the first man Adam, and uses this as a basis for his doctrine of original sin. At the same time Marx is demolished in the name of the“great” Renouvier who preached philosophical idealism in the nineteenth century and used the concept of “law”as a basis for religion!-Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 20), 1977: 195-196. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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