

字词 阿伦特


Hannah Arendt


Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut Interactional Publishers, 2011: 50.


汉娜·阿伦特(Hannah Arendt,1906年10月14日—1975年12月4日),犹太裔美国人,是20世纪最伟大、最具原创性的思想家、政治理论家之一。阿伦特1906年出生于德国汉诺威一个犹太人家庭,早年在马堡和弗莱堡大学攻读哲学、神学和古希腊语,后转至海德堡大学雅斯贝尔斯的门下,获哲学博士学位。1933年纳粹上台后流亡巴黎,1941年到了美国,自1954年开始,阿伦特在美国加利福尼亚大学、普林斯顿大学、哥伦比亚大学、社会研究新学院、纽约布鲁克林学院开办讲座,后担任过芝加哥大学教授、社会研究新学院教授。阿伦特的著作有《极权主义的起源》(1951)、《人的状况》(1958)、《在过去与未来之间》(1961)、《艾希曼在耶路撒冷》(1963)、《论革命》(1963)、《黑暗时代的人们》(1968)、《共和的危机》(1972)、《心智人生》(1978)等(汉娜·阿伦特.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=iRTmDGfZFaINKhu-fjZHDVcDMvY7d7CayIE24txkHQL8qc4-5lJhyj_os6FgXIBCguB2Zs3LMHyrc_7GxFcDbKt3KXJP43_ZQyKwxjEHNjXmXfDp2Y2uR05UvYZy-5FuiMYE3QGrtCLNF9OwBGU_YzmI2xShfcWFSY7Ge350ND7)。其中,《极权主义的起源》一书的出版,为她奠定了作为一个政治理论家的国际声望。在该书中,阿伦特从19世纪中欧与东欧历史中的反犹主义入手,追索其中的极权主义因素,然后审视欧洲的殖民帝国主义并集中分析了极权主义统治的两种形式——纳粹时期的德国和斯大林时期的苏联。阿伦特总结得出结论:极权统治的先决条件人类的孤立和孤独(极权主义的起源.via:http://baike.baidu.com/view/1726803.htm)。


[1] 汉娜·阿伦特.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=iRTmDGfZFaINKhu-fjZHDVcDMvY7d7CayIE24txkHQL8qc4-5lJhyj_os6FgXIBCguB2Zs3LMHyrc_7GxFcDbKt3KXJP43_ZQyKwxjEHNjXmXfDp2Y2uR05UvYZy-5FuiMYE3QGrtCLNF9OwBGU_YzmI2xShfcWFSY7Ge350ND7
[2] 极权主义的起源.via:http://baike.baidu.com/view/1726803.htm


1. 阿多诺否定从马克思《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》中引申出来的征服式的主体性。凡是建立在统治他物之上的东西都不可能是自由的,它所获得的幸福也不可能是真实的,从理论上说,阿多诺这是反对一切与实践相关联的东西(这也是后来阿伦特界划劳动、工作和行动,哈贝马斯提出区别于对象性劳作实践的主体际非功利性自由交往的出发点)。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2011:60

1. Adorno denies the subjugating subjectivity as derived by Marx from On an Outline about Feuerbach. Anything that is built upon a dominion over the others can never be free. The happiness acquired as such is unrea1, either. Theoretically, Adorno objects to everything that is related to practice. (It is the starting point where Arendt delineates labor, work and action, and where Habermas suggests that inter-subjective non-utilitarian free communication be differentiated from objective labor practice.) -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 50.

2. 至此,马克思哲学构架中的实践、生产和历史进步的概念都已经不再是某种中性的东西,历史唯物主义的基础直接遭到了深层次攻击。阿伦特的《人的条件》、哈贝马斯的《走向一个合理化的社会》以及莱斯的《自然的控制》等都在针对这个问题的批判中展开。只不过,在理论逻辑上,他们谁也没能达到鲍德里亚的深度和强度。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2011:205

2. Now, the concepts of practice, production and historical progression in Marxist framework are not neutral any more; the profound foundation of historical materialism is exposed to direct attack by Arendt’s Human Condition, Habermas’s Toward a Rational Society, and Leiss’s Domination of Nature, all extending their criticism in this issue. They only fail to attain Baudrillard’s depths and intensity. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 279.

3. 这种抽象的“看不见的手”的控制与过去那种外在的专制相比,似乎是一种更加公正的“无人统治”的客观支配。显然,马克思恩格斯都在否定这种抽象关系对人的统治,特别是这种抽象的统治又采取了物的形式,它似乎不是表现为人为的关系,而是表现为一种自然性的关系和规律。用阿伦特的话来说就是,“无人统治并不一定意味着没有统治,无疑,在某些特定的情势下,它甚至有可能成为最残酷、最暴虐的统治形式”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:580-581

3. Compared with the external despotism of the past, the control of this abstract “invisible hand” appears to be objective domination, a more equitable “rule by no one.” It is evident that Marx and Engels both refute the rule of this abstract relation over men; in particular, as this abstract rule assumes objectified form, it does not appear to be expressed as human relations, but rather as natural relations and laws. To use Hannah Arendt’s words, rule by no one does not necessarily mean no rule. Doubtless, under certain circumstances, this rule can be the most cruel, the most abusive form of rule. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 460.


例句 1:
Labor, for Marx and Arendt, was the common topic. The concept of labor, however, was defined by them differently. Arendt criticized sharply the labor theory proposed by Marx, but this criticism did not get the real essence of it.

例句 2:
The revolution is one of the important issues in the field of political philosophy. For this problem, different philosophers have different answers. The French Revolution and the American Revolution are important historical events in the process of human civilization, to the French Revolution and the American Revolution is more basic, Ahrendt had a conversation with Marx, in the revolutionary problem Ahrendt believes that Marx is used to solve the problem of poverty in order to solve the social problems instead of the “free” political problem as the goal of revolution, contrary to the original purpose of the revolution.

例句 3:





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