

字词 阶级观点


class outlook; class viewpoint


[1] Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectic [M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1971: 20.
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:333.




[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 阶级分析理论.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=xbfSV4SF8iHGhyQ3Q3-SXtVfmKhUTEDkpQmkocCPjUMv7vSwebZOBC8KRnl2OZO2xujEO7olvIVbOQkyqDSruq


1. 这正是后来马克思在历史唯物主义的客观视角中肯定劳动价值论的先导性因素。不过,这时马克思的肯定总是有很大保留的。因为,在他看来,以政治经济学的观点对政治经济学所进行的批判承认人类活动的一切本质规定,但只是在异化、外化的形式中来承认。例如,在这里他把时间对人的劳动的意义变为时间对工资、对雇佣劳动的意义。可是,如果不是从政治经济学的立场去批判政治经济学,不是站在资产阶级观点的范围内去批判资产阶级社会,那么应该从何处出发呢?从马克思当时的语境来看,当然只能从哲学出发。一种以社会主义为指向的关心人的唯物主义的哲学。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:272

1. This is the first precursor to Marx's affirmation of the labor theory of value from the objective perspective of historical materialism. However, at this time, Marx’s affirmation was still very conservative. This is because in his opinion, any criticism of political economy from the standpoint of political economy conceded all the essential qualifications on human activity, but only in their estranged, alienated forms. For example, he changes the significance of time to human labor into the significance of time to wages, and to hired labor. However, if one does not criticize political economy from the standpoint of political economy, if one does not stand on the bourgeois point of view to criticize bourgeois society, how does one go about criticizing? Considering Marx’s context at the time, he could only begin with philosophy—this was a materialist philosophy that had socialism as its orientation and that focused on humans. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 207.

2. 因此,只有在资本主义下,在资产阶级社会中,才能认识到社会是现实。但是,完成这一变革的阶级即资产阶级,还是无意识地实现它的这种职能;它所释放出来的社会力量,即把它推上统治地位的那些力量,看来就像第二天性那样与它对立着,而这种天性比封建主义还冷酷,还不可捉摸。只是随着无产阶级的出现才完成了对社会现实的认识。这是由于无产阶级的阶级观点为看到社会的整体提供了有用的出发点。只是因为对无产阶级说来彻底认识它的阶级地位是生死攸关的问题;因为只有认识整个社会,才能认识它的阶级地位:因为这种认识是它的行动的必要前提,在历史唯物主义中才同时产生了关于“无产阶级解放的条件”的学说和把现实理解为社会进化的总过程的学说。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:70

2. Thus the recognition that society is reality becomes possible only under capitalism, in bourgeois society. But the class which carried out this revolution did so without consciousness of its function; the social forces it unleashed, the very forces that carried it to supremacy seemed to be opposed to it like a second nature, but a more soulless, impenetrable nature than feudalism ever was. It was necessary for the proletariat to be born for social reality to become fully conscious. The reason for this is that the discovery of the class-outlook of the proletariat provided a vantage point from which to survey the whole of society. With the emergence of historical materialism there arose the theory of the “conditions for the liberation of the proletariat.” and the doctrine of reality understood as the total process of social evolution. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 20.


例句 1:
While the class viewpoint originated in the West, it gradually became sinicized after it spread, with historical materialism, to China in the first half of the 20th century.

例句 2:
In the era of knowledge economy and globalization, Marxist class perspective and class theory still have a realistic interpretation to the contemporary capitalism.

例句 3:
Theory of Class struggle is the core of Marxist theory system. Theory of Class and Method of Class Analysis is the key to survey the major issues in class society.





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