字词 | 量化宽松 |
释义 | 量化宽松【英】quantitative easing译文来源https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2015-09/11/content_21845180.htm 例句1. 国际金融危机发生以来的实践证明,单靠量化宽松政策难以解决制约增长的结构性障碍。——《共绘世界经济增长新蓝图——李克强总理在第九届夏季达沃斯论坛上的特别致辞》 1. What has happened since the international financial crisis shows that quantitative easing alone cannot address the structural hindrances to growth.—Quoted from A New Blueprint for Global Growth——Special Address by Premier Li Keqiang at the Ninth Annual Meeting of the New Champions |
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