

字词 通货膨胀




McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. Translated by Zhang Yibing. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 127.


经济学家对通货膨胀的定义并没有形成一致的意见。一般接受的观点是,通货膨胀是物价水平普遍而持续的上升,或者说是由于货币发行量超过商品流通中实际需要量而引起的货币贬值和物价上涨的现象。美国经济学家P·萨缪尔森说:“通货膨胀的意思是:物品和生产要素价格普遍上升的时期”。M·弗里德曼说:“物价普遍的上涨就叫做通货膨胀。” D·莱德勒(D. Laidler)和M·帕金(M. Parkin)则说:“通货膨胀是一个价格持续上升的过程,也等于说,是一个货币持续贬值的过程”。这些定义主要从价格变动的角度来说明通货膨胀,它们强调了:第一,通货膨胀不是一次性或短期的物价水平上升,而是指物价水平的普遍上升,即物价总水平的上升。在一般的研究中所根据的大多是这种通货膨胀定义。在根据这种定义时,通货膨胀可以用消费物价指数(又称零售物价指数或生活费用指数),批发物价指数,以及国民生产总值折算数来进行衡量,而且,根据物价上涨水平的程度可以把通货膨胀分为潜行的(或爬行的)通货膨胀,温和的通货膨胀,飞奔的(或奔驰的,加速的)通货膨胀,恶性(或超速的)通货膨胀这四种类型。还有一种观点是从货币的角度来给通货膨胀下定义,强调了通货膨胀是一种货币现象,是货币量的过度发行。物价上升与货币贬值都是货币量过度发行的结果,但物价上升本身并不是通货膨胀的定义,因为物价上升可以由其他原因引起,而这种物价上升与货币量过度发行无关,并不是通货膨胀。例如,奥地利经济学家F·哈耶克说:“通货膨胀一词的原意和真意是指货币数量的过度增长,这种增长会合乎规律地导致物价的上涨。”美国经济学家H·赫兹里特说:“通货膨胀这个词原来只用于货币量,意思是指货币量膨胀、扩大、过度增长。”《美国大学词典》也把通货膨胀解释为:“国家通货的过度膨胀或增长,尤指因发行不能兑换的纸币而引起的过度膨胀。”美国经济学家M·布朗芬布伦纳(M. Bronfenbrenner)把通货膨胀的定义划分为四种类型:第一、通货膨胀是一种普遍的过度需求形势,在这种形势下,过多量的货币追逐过少量的商品。第二、通货膨胀是无论以总量计算还是以人均计算的货币存量和货币收入的过度增长。第三、通货膨胀是一种具有附加特征或条件的价格总水平上升。这些条件是:非完全预期性,导致价格再上升,不增加就业和实际产量,具有不可逆性,等等。第四、通货膨胀是货币对外价值的下跌,是以汇率,以黄金价格来衡量,或者指在官方价格下,对黄金和外汇的过度需求。各经济学流派对通货膨胀的原因做出了不同的解释,从而形成了不同的通货膨胀理论(刘伟,1994:595-596)。




1. 战时共产主义有三个主要方面:第一,由于1918年6月实行的全面国有化法令几乎使所有的大企业处于国家的控制之下,国有化程度有了巨大的提高。加上因战时封锁和俄国经济最发达地区被敌人占领而导致燃料和原料严重匮乏,更使得政府的干预甚至变得必不可少了。同时,国家垄断贸易,政府的官僚主义程度加剧。第二,无法控制的通货膨胀使有产阶级和广大农民陷于破产(工人由于以实物支付还有些保障),这意味着,政府不能靠多发行货币来增加其财力,而不得不征用农民的储备物资,这样就失去了中农的支持而导致农业生产率下降。第三,内战的压力一解除,就把复员的红军部队派去执行各项紧急任务,在上级指派的工会官员的纪律约束下,劳动力使部分地军事化了。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:119

1. War Communism had three main aspects. Firstly, there was a huge increase in nationalisation, beginning with the Decree of General Nationalisations of June 1918 which brought almost all large-scale enterprises under state control. Crippling shortage of fuel and raw materials caused by the war blockade and enemy occupation of the economically most advanced areas of Russia made government intervention even more essential. The state monopolized exchange and government bureaucracy necessarily increased. Secondly, the runaway inflation which ruined the moneyed classes and large sections of the peasantry (the workers were partially protected by payment in kind) meant that the government could not increase its resources by issuing more money and had to requisition supplies from the peasantry. This alienated the support of the middle peasantry and resulted in a lowering of peasant productivity. Thirdly, as the pressure of the Civil War ended, demobilised units of the Red Army were assigned to particularly urgent tasks and there was a partial militarization of the labour force under the discipline of Trade Union officials who were appointed from above. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 127.

2. 第一次世界大战后,意大利面临着一场巨大的经济危机。当时农业仍然是经济的基础,而由于农民应征入伍,农业处于凋敝状态。国家由于支付战争开支而债台高筑,通货膨胀严重失控。另外,复员的士兵扩大了失业的人数。由于这次经济危机和随之而来的生活水平的下降,工人阶级的战斗精神加强了。很多资本家在战争中发了横财,社会党人则反对战争。许多工人,尤其是都灵大冶金企业中的工人,都认为工会过于软弱,而且疏远了基层的反对意见。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:185

2. After the war, Italy was faced with a huge economic crisis. Agriculture was still basic to the economy and much depleted because of the drafting of peasants into the army. There had been a large increase in the state debt to finance the war and inf1ation was rampant. Demobilised soldiers swelled the unemployment figures. Working-class militancy increased as a result of this economic crisis and the consequent lowering of living standards in a war out of which many capitalists had done very well and which the socialists had opposed. The trade unions were considered by many workers—particularly in the big metallurgical works of Turin—to be much too moderate and out of touch with grass-roots opposition. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 193.

3. 从1926年8月到次年5月,毛泽东在湖南停留了9个月,这期间对他的马克思主义思想的发展具有决定性的意义。他在农民中的工作对象绝大部分是但农,而且越来越多的是佃农。他们的土地非常少,地主榨取了收成的50% ,而且,通货膨胀和军阀课以重税(往往提前征收)加剧了他们的债务负担。那些破产的人就成为了军阀部队招募新兵的现成兵源了。因此,随着北伐的胜利,农民革命运动迅速发展就不足为奇了。在毛泽东的调查活动开始之前,共产党人没有明确的农村纲领;国民党的提议又非常温和,仅仅是减租而并不没收土地。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:213

3. The nine months he spent there from August 1926 to May 1927 were crucial to the development of his Marxist thinking. The peasants among whom Mao was working were, for the most part and in an increasing number, tenants. Their plots were very small and landowners took 50 percent of the crop. The burden of debt was increased by inflation and the heavy taxation imposed by the warlords, often in advance. Those who became bankrupt provided ready recruits for the growth in the present revolutionary movement following the success of the Northern Expedition. Prior to the activities of Mao, the Communists had had no clear agrarian programme, and the KMT’s proposals were very moderate, involving simply rent reduction and no land confiscation. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 222.


例句 1:
Therefore, in term of the core inflation, the continuity and stability of monetary policy is particularly important.

例句 2:
The inflation target that the government has announced since March 2005 has been found with three problems: two months de-anchored period, short-horizon inflation targets and frequently adjusted inflation goals..

例句 3:
Regarding threshold level of inflation above which inflation will exert negative impact on economic growth as research subject, this study estimated the threshold level of inflation in China from the year 1978 to 2009 using the threshold regression model which was developed by Khan and other scholars. .





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