

字词 货币资本


money capital


[1] Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 469.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1990: 274.




[1] 刘佩弦.马克思主义与当代辞典[Z].中国人民大学出版社,1988.
[2] 许征帆.马克思主义辞典[Z].吉林大学出版社,1987.


1. 马克思承认,资本首先来自流通,即以货币作为自己出发点的商业资本(流通资本),这也是在资本主义经济发展最早状态中的资本的初始形式,它的进一步发展的资本形式是货币资本。可是,在我们上面讨论的纯粹流通(简单的交换价值的运动)的领域中,商业资本和货币资本本身实际上都是无法实现资本的。这也就是说,在交换中出现的东西,商品、货币(资本)并不是流通过程创造出来的,流通不过是一种表象。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,200:592

1. Marx admits that capital first comes from circulation, i.e., from commercial capital (capital in circulation) that takes money as its own starting point. This is the first form of capital in the earliest state of capitalist economic development; the next form of capital in its development is money capital. However, in the realm of pure circulation that we have been discussing (the movement of simple exchange value), commodity capital and money capital themselves are both unable to realize capital. This means that for the things that appear in exchange, such as commodities and money (capital) are not created by the process of circulation; circulation is only a surface-level phenomenon. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 469.

2. 文明时代所由以开始的商品生产阶段,在经济上有下列特征:(1)出现了金属货币,从而出现了货币资本、利息和高利贷;(2)出现了作为生产者之间的中介阶级的商人;(3)出现了土地私有制和抵押制;(4)出现了作为占统治地位的生产形式的奴隶劳动。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷)》,1965:200

2. The stage of commodity production, with which civilization began, is marked economically by the introduction of 1) metal money and, thus, of money capital, interest and usury; 2) the merchants acting as mediating class between producers; 3) private ownership of land and mortgage; 4) slave labour as the prevailing form of production. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26), 1990: 274.

3. 可是,如果一个叫做亚里士多德的“人”竟擅自发现货币流通的两种不同形式,一种是货币执行着单纯流通手段的职能,另一种是货币执行着货币资本的职能,那末这在杜林先生看来,他只是表现了“某种道德的嫌恶”。 ——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:251

3. But when “an” Aristotle presumes to discover the two different forms of the circulation of money—the one in which it operates as a mere medium of circulation, and the other in which it operates as money capital, he is thereby—according to Herr Dühring—“only expressing a moral antipathy”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 216.


例句 1:
There are three forms of money capital, namely, money-capital in the production process, loan capital and fictitious capital. These three support and integrate with each other in the process of circulation and accumulation.

例句 2:
Modern corporate finance theory points out that human capital should share residual claim with money capital in a harmonious and sustainable development environment of corporate governance. 

例句 3:
Monetary capital plays a particularly important role in the capitalist or market economy. Changes in amount of monetary capital determine the direction of movement of the market economy.





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