

字词 要素




[1] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 42.
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:719.






1. 为了更清楚地说明马赫主义哲学的这个基本要素,我们再从马赫的著作中作一些引证。下面就是引自《感觉的分析》(科特利亚尔的俄译本,1907年莫斯科斯基尔蒙特出版社版)的一个例证。——《列宁选集(第二卷)》,1984:37-38

1. To make this fundamental element of the philosophy of Machism still clearer, we shall give a few additional quotations from Mach’s works. Here is a sample from The Analysis of Sensations; (I quote from Kotlyar’s Russian translation, published by Skirmunt, Moscow, 1907). -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 42.

2. 但是在英国,知识分子作出最大努力的方面也许在经济学。自1960年斯拉法(Sraffa)的《用商品生产商品》出版以来,人们感受到的是,这是对马克思作出的强有力的新李嘉图学派式解释。该派作者着重研究的是交换和流通领域,而不是生产领域,由此,他们抛弃了价值理论,并试图用纯量的要素,如生产价格和市场价格,来阐发出马克思的思想。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:327

2. But perhaps the field where there has been the most extended intellectual effort in Britain has been economics. Since the publication in 1960 of Sraffa’s The Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities, a strong neo-Ricardian interpretation of Marx has made itself felt. Concentrating on the sphere of exchange and circulation rather than production, these writers reject value theory and attempt to set out Marxist ideas in terms of simply quantitative elements such as prices of production and market prices. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 340

3. 例如,拿彼得楚尔特来说吧,按俄国第一个也是最大的一个经验批判主义者弗·列谢维奇的评价,他是经验批判主义的权威。他把要素规定为感觉,并在上述著作第2卷里说道:“在‘感觉是世界要素’这个命题中,必须防止把‘感觉’这个词看做仅仅是指一种主观的、因而是虚无缥缈的、把通常的世界图景变为幻影(Verflüchtigendes)的东西。” ——《列宁选集(第二卷)》,2012:52

3. Take Petzoldt, for instance, the last word in empiriocriticism, as V. Lesevich, the first and most outstanding Russian empirio-criticist, describes him. Having defined elements as sensations, he says in the second volume of the work mentioned: “In the statement that ‘sensations are the elements of the world’ one must guard against taking the term ‘sensation’ as denoting something only subjective and therefore ethereal; transforming the ordinary picture of the world into an illusion (Verflüchtigendes).” -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 56.


例句 1:
In continental law system country, the constitutive requirements elements are divided into normative elements and descriptive elements which has been commonly recognized by the scholars, but normative elements as an important part of the content in the field of criminal law in our country are almost in a blank state, even in the continental law system countries, such as the criminal law system, the normative elements also didn't get enough attention.

例句 2:
Therefore rely on promote total factor productivity to change economic growth mode becomes the only way.

例句 3:
Then the article discusses three hot issues in the discussion of the theory. They are whether material labor can create value, the relation between serving and managing labor and value creating, and the relation between the theory and distribution by factors. Finally it points out that the theory is scientific from the point of logic, quality and





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