

字词 虚无主义




Nihilism. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nihilism






1. 但是不谈民族问题,忽视和否定民族问题,像我们某些同志所做的那样,这还不就是摧毁民族主义。远远不是!民族虚无主义只能对社会主义事业有害,对资产阶级民族主义者有利。要摧毁民族主义,首先必须提出并解决民族问题。——《斯大林全集(第四卷)》,1956:64

1. But nationalism cannot be smashed by disregarding the national question, ignoring and denying its existence, as some of our comrades do. Far from it! National nihilism only injures the cause of socialism, because it plays into the hands of the bourgeois nationalists. In order to smash nationalism, it is necessary first of all to tackle and solve the national question. -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 4), 1953: 93-94.

2. 恩格斯应马克思的请求于1866年1月底至4月初写了一组文章,标题是《工人阶级同波兰有什么关系?》。这组文章针对蒲鲁东主义者的民族虚无主义和那种对波拿巴主义的“民族原则”蛊惑人心地加以利用的情况,阐明了国际在民族问题上的立场(见《马克思恩格斯全集》中文版第16卷第170—183页)。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三十一卷下)》,1972:649-450

2. At Marx’s request, between the end of January and early April 1866 Engels wrote a series of articles, entitled What Have the Working Classes to Do with Poland?, in which he substantiated the International’s stand on the nationalities question and criticised the Proudhonists’ national nihilism and the Bonapartists’ profiteering by the so-called principle of nationalities (see present edition, Vol. 20, pp. 152-61). -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 42), 1987: 627.

3. 这样的否认,甚至单纯的怀疑,都是软弱状态、极端紊乱、虚无、比单纯的虚无主义更坏的腐蚀性怀疑、一片混乱以及诸如此类的可爱的东西。像所有的预言家那样,他也没有作批判的科学的研究和判断,而只是直接进行道义上的谴责。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:98-99

3. Such a denial, or indeed mere doubt of it, is weakness, hopeless confusion, nothingness, mordant skepticism, worse than pure nihilism. Utter chaos and other such pleasantries. As with all prophets, instead of critical and scientific examination and judgement one encounters moral condemnation out of hand. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 84.


例句 1:
Although in the end , Heidegger does not overcome the problem of nihilism, his questioning of Being has important value and meaning for us to get close to the answer of this question.

例句 2:
Nihilism usually refers to some object, even all things that holds an absolute negative opinions, attitudes or ideological tendency. The use of this conception has a gradual evolution process. People have talked about nihilism from the godfather philosopher Augustin, to the modern German religious philosopher Jacobi, and then to nineteenth century Russian writer Turgenev. But the conception of nihilism is detailed in-depth explanation in philosophy from Nietzsche.

例句 3:
Value nihilism is a fundamental crisis, which people encounter in the modern society. How to deal with the crisis to find an "Archimede





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