

字词 自然法


natural law


Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics [M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1968: 107.


Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics [M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1968: 107.




1. 为自然法而斗争,即资产阶级的革命阶段,在方法上的出发点恰恰在于,权利在形式上的平等和普遍性,也就是它的合理性,同时能够决定它的内容。借此,一方面反对起源于中世纪的各种各样的、形形色色的特权,另一方面反对君主的神圣权力。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:173

1. The conflict revolving around natural law, and the whole revolutionary period of the bourgeoisie was based on the assumption that the formal equality and universality of the law (and hence its rationality) was able at the same time to determine its content. This was expressed in the assault on the varied and picturesque medley of privileges dating back to the Middle Ages and also in the attack on the Divine Right of Kings. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: 107.

2. 反对革命资产阶级的斗争(例如在法国革命时期)绝大部分还受到这种思想的强烈影响,以致于可以同这种自然法相对立的只是另外一种自然法(如布尔克,还有拖塔尔)。只是在资产阶级至少是部分地取得胜利以后,“批判的”观点,即“历史的”观点,才渗透到两个阵营中去。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:173

2. The war waged against the revolutionary bourgeoisie, say, at the time of the French Revolution, was dominated to such an extent by this idea that it was inevitable that the natural law of the bourgeoisie could only be opposed by yet another natural law (see Burke and also Stahl). Only after the bourgeoisie had gained at least a partial victory did a ‘critical’ and a ‘historical’ view begin to emerge in both camps. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: 108.

3. 法律继续同“永桓价值”保持着密切关系,这样就以法哲学的形式产生出一种拘泥于形式的、变得贫乏的自然法新翻版(施塔姆勒)。而法律产生的真实基础,各阶级间权力的变化,变得模糊起来,并消失在研究它的各个科学中。在这些科学中——接照资产阶级社会的思想方式——象在法学和政治经济学中一样,产生了超越物质基础的同一类问题。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:175

3. The law maintains its close relationship with the ‘eternal values'. This gives birth, in the shape of a philosophy of law to an impoverished and formalistic re-edition of natural law (Stammler). Meanwhile, the real basis for the development of law, a change in the power relations between the classes, becomes hazy and vanishes into the sciences that study it, sciences which-in conformity with the modes of thought current in bourgeois society-generate the same problems of transcending their material substratum as we have seen in jurisprudence and economics. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: 109.


例句 1:
The relationship between Hegel’s law philosophy and the theory of natural law is obviously found in his critique of the theory of modern natural law.

例句 2:
在17、18世纪,“自然法”适时地充任“特定的人类知识形式”的角色:它成为“第一现代法哲学”,几乎是这个时期所有的学者所能理解的一种“共同的语言”。——“17、18 世纪欧洲自然法学说:方法、知识谱系与作用”,载于《比较法研究》2014年第5期
Natural law played the role of special knowledge form of human beings in the 17th and 18th century. The natural law became the first modern legal philosophy which was the common language understood by the scholars in that age.

例句 3:
列奥·施特劳斯是 20 世纪著名的政治哲学家,其自然法思想的中国研究主要有三个方面:一是直接解读或评论其自然法思想;二是从自然权利的角度透视整个施特劳斯的政治哲学;三是与其他思想家对比分析施特劳斯的自然法思想。——“列奥·施特劳斯自然法思想中国研究述评”,载于《中国政法大学学报》2015年第4期
Leo Strauss was a famous political philosopher of the 20th century. The researches on his natural law thought in China are mainly in three aspects. First, the direct interpretation or comment on its natural law thinking; Second, from the perspective of natural rights grasping the entire political philosophy of Strauss; Third, contrasting with other thinkers.





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