字词 | 自发 |
释义 | 自发【英】spontaneity; spontaneous (adj.)译文来源[1] Spontaneity. via: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/spontaneity 定义自发,与“自觉”相对的一个哲学用语,指人类盲目的、缺乏对事物发展客观规律的认识、没有远大目标的活动,自在自为,不受外力影响,属于感性认识阶段。人们在社会实践活动中,“不会预见所采取的行动的实际结果,不知道或者不去考虑社会发展的客观规律的作用,盲目地受客观必然过程所支配”(冯锲,2001:2051),这些都是自发活动的表现。在无产阶级反对资产阶级的早期活动中,“无产阶级只认识资本主义的各个现象及其外部联系,限于和那直接剥削他们的个别资产者作斗争,甚至以破坏机器的方式来进行斗争。无产阶级还没有把资本家当做一个阶级来反对,还不了解自己整个阶级的历史使命”(冯锲,2001:2051)这一时期的斗争就是分散的、自发的。人类的自发运动不可能产生科学社会主义,所以崇拜自发性是不可取的。自发与自觉并不是绝对对立的,两者既相互区别,又相互联系,自发实质上是自觉的萌芽状态,自发最终可以向自觉转化,所以不能把这两者绝对地割裂开来。 定义来源冯锲.哲学大辞典(修订本)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001. 例句1. 无产阶级对于资本主义社会的认识,在其实践的初期——破坏机器和自发斗争时期,他们还只在感性认识的阶段,只认识资本主义各个现象的片面及其外部的联系。这时,他们还是一个所谓“自在的阶级”。但是到了他们实践的第二个时期——有意识有组织的经济斗争和政治斗争的时期,由于实践,由于长期斗争的经验,经过马克思、恩格斯用科学的方法把这种种经验总结起来,产生了马克思主义的理论,用以教育无产阶级,这样就使无产阶级理解了资本主义社会的本质,理解了社会阶级的剥削关系,理解了无产阶级的历史任务,这时他们就变成了一个“自为的阶级”。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:288 1. In its knowledge of capitalist society, the proletariat was only in the perceptual stage of cognition in the first period of its practice, the period of machine--smashing and spontaneous struggle; it knew only some of the aspects and the external relations of the phenomena of capitalism. The proletariat was then still a “class-in-itself”. But when it reached the second period of its practice, the period of conscious and organized economic and political struggles, the proletariat was able to comprehend the essence of capitalist society, the relations of exploitation between social classes and its own historical task; and it was able to do so because of its own practice and because of its experience of prolonged struggle, which Marx and Engels scientifically summed up in all its variety to create the theory of Marxism for the education of the proletariat. It was then that the proletariat became a “class-for-itself ”. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1965: 301. 2. 辩证法的宇宙观,不论在中国,在欧洲,在古代就产生了。但是古代的辩证法带着自发的朴素的性质,根据当时的社会历史条件,还不可能有完备的理论,因而不能完全解释宇宙,后来就被形而上学所代替。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:303 2. The dialectical world outlook emerged in ancient times both in China and in Europe. Ancient dialectics, however, had a somewhat spontaneous and naive character; in the social and historical condidons then prevailing, it was not yet able to form a theoretical system, hence it could not fully explain the world and was supplanted by metaphysics. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1965: 315. 3. 当执行委员会和临时政府对割地和赔款问题争吵不体的时候,当临时政府编造了“照会”、执行委员会竟以“胜利者”自居、而侵略战争依旧继续进行的时候,战壕中的生活,士兵们的实际生活提出了新的斗争手段一一群众性的联欢。毫无疑问,联欢本身不过是一种渴望和平的自发形式。但是,有组织有意识地举行的联欢能够变为工人阶级使各交战国家内部形势革命化的一种强有力的工具。而执行委员会对待联欢的态度怎样呢?——《斯大林全集(第三卷)》,1955:44 3. While the Executive Committee was wrangling with the Provisional Government over annexations and indemnities, while the Provisional Government was manufacturing “Notes” and the Executive Committee was gloating in the role of “victor,” and in the meantime the war of conquest was continuing as of old, life in the trenches, the real life of the soldiers, had developed a new means of struggle--mass fraternization. Unquestionably, in itself, fraternization is only a spontaneous manifestation of the desire for peace. Nevertheless, if carried out deliberately and in organized fashion, fraternization may become a mighty instrument of the working class for revolutionizing the situation in the warring countries. -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 3), 1953: 63. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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