

字词 腐败




Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 429.


腐败是“对人的思想行为或某种社会现象进行道德评价所使用的一种概念,指贪污受贿、贪图享乐、以权谋利、化公为私,抛弃道德准则和道德要求的严重不良行为和不良社会现象”。(徐少锦,1999:1163)。腐败是阶级社会中常见的一种消极、恶劣的社会现象,是腐朽没落的剥削阶级意识的集中表现,它既是剥削阶级本性的暴露,又是剥削阶级灭亡的征兆。腐败现象有三种表现类型:一是一种个人用于适应党——国家的制度衰变的手段,它又包括两种亚类型,即“非庇护”型和“庇护”型。在“非庇护”型这里对利益的追求完全是从个人角度出发的;而“庇护”型则借助于庇护人委托人网络,包括在国家机构的等级制度中,上下级之间的交换,在这种情况下,互惠利益的价值是没有正式的比较和度量的。二是为家庭和亲属的利益而滥用公共权力;三是发生在工作单位(生产队或工业企业)之间,在获得条件、销售、签订合同和批准合同以及其他交易关系上,它们大多都与非法或半非法交易相联系,而且这些交易又都是经工作单位批准和同意的。(厉以宁,1993:151)反腐败斗争是阶级斗争在一定范围内的特殊表现形式,是资产阶级与无产阶级之间腐蚀与反腐蚀、和平演变与反和平演变的政治斗争,是执政的中国共产党为巩固政权建设而迫切需要解决的政治任务,具体可以从以下几方面入手:第一,推选有能力且品德高尚的人作为权力行使者,作为集体价值观的代表者;第二,加强监督,提高透明度,使当权者能够按照集体的利益要求来行使权力;第三,加强民主,实施权力下放,让更多人参与权力的行使;第四,加强制度建设,使权力行使不断朝制度化、程度化的方向发展;第五,加大惩处力度,使实施社会腐败的成本大幅度提高;第六,加大当权者与集体的利益相关性,使其价值观与集体价值观基本一致;第七,增加约束机制,以各种经济、政治和文化的约束方式来提高对于当权者的约束力。(腐败. via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900013247095&d=FDECC1C2E4125076698BE37DDD6C8237)。


[1] 徐少锦.伦理百科辞典[Z].中国广播电视出版社,1999.
[2] 厉以宁.市场经济大辞典[Z].新华出版社,1993.
[3] 腐败.via:


1. 要坚持“老虎”、“苍蝇”一起打,既坚决查处领导干部违纪违法案件,又切实解决发生在群众身边的不正之风和腐败问题。要坚持党纪国法面前没有例外,不管涉及到谁,都要一查到底,决不姑息。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:388

1. We should continue to catch “tigers” as well as “flies” when dealing with cases of leading officials in violation of Party discipline and state laws as well as misconduct and corruption problems that directly affect the peopled livelihood. All are equal before the law and Party discipline; whoever is involved in a corruption case must be thoroughly and impartially investigated. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 429.

2. 我们深入开展“三严三实”专题教育,锲而不舍落实党中央八项规定精神,坚决纠正“四风”,严格执行国务院“约法三章”。加强行政监察和审计监督。大力推进党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争,一批腐败分子受到惩处。——《2016年政府工作报告》

2. The campaign to build understanding of the Three Stricts and Three Honests was intensified, the CPC Central Committee's eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct continued to be implemented, action was taken against formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance, and rigorous efforts were made to carry out the State Council's three-point decision on curbing government spending. Administrative supervision and oversight through auditing were strengthened. We stepped up efforts to improve Party conduct and government integrity and fight corruption, and brought a number of offenders to justice. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2016.

3. 2013 年,党中央高度重视觉风廉政建设和反腐败斗争,中央纪委按照党中央决策部署,在强化党的纪律特别是政治纪律约束、强化执纪监督、强化查办腐败案件等方面攥紧拳头打出去,形成了鲜明的工作特点。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:393

3. In 2013 the CPC Central Committee made it a priority to improve Party conduct, uphold integrity and combat corruption. In compliance with the decisions and plans made by the Central Committee, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has fought firmly against corruption by strengthening Party discipline, especially by reinforcing political discipline, enhancing oversight of enforcement, and improving investigation into and prosecution of corruption cases. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 436.


例句 1:
The second chapter investigates the role of network supervision in anti-corruption movement.

例句 2:
公权腐败的人性与社会根源探究 腐败是个毒瘤,是当今世界各国都必须面对、解决的一个难题,它直接影响到执政党地位的稳固和国家的兴衰。——《公权腐败的人性与社会根源探究》,吉林大学博士学位论文,2014
Research on Human and Social Sources of Public Power Corruption As deleterious as tumor, corruption is becoming a conundrum that all nations have to face and tackle.

例句 3:
Corruption of public power, as an alienation of public power has the character of universal, variability, periodic and continuous, subtle and complex.





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