

字词 等价交换


exchange of equivalents; equivalent exchange


Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 62.


等价交换是指具有不同使用价值的商品按照它们各自具有的价值进行交换,是商品交换的一般原则。商品的价值取决于生产该商品所耗费的社会必要劳动时间。在物物交换中,交换双方总是能大体地估算出对方的成本耗费,从而实现等成本耗费的交换。货币出现以后,商品和货币的交换成为普遍形式,因而等劳动时间交换体现为商品价格与价值相符。但实际上,商品的价格并不总是同其价值相一致的,只有在供求平衡的条件下才与价值相一致。在商品交易竞争中,商品的供求不断变化,供过于求时价格下跌;求过于供时价格上涨。这种由市场调节的价格升降又反过来引导生产和消费,从而影响市场供求,驱使供求趋向一致,导致商品价格向该商品的价值靠拢。市场价格围绕价值的运动,使价格在趋势上与价值趋于一致,使等价交换原则得以表现出来(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=Ky0wiODfqN0Ow9FYJQP7KFrI0bmridTRBf2ilyP82ow2vVcO5umk0zaWyqTzo0CMcxiFZ7Ccx_OYHpdRXzPcuq)。等价交换原则是商品交换的基本原则。它保证各物质部门的生产耗费从商品的出售价格中得到补偿,并获得平均利润,从而使社会再生产得以顺利进行。如果价格长期低于价值,企业出售产品所得不足以弥补原材料和人工耗费,或不能取得利润,企业就不可能扩大生产规模甚至不能维持简单再生产,社会再生产过程就将中断。如果价格长期高于价值,企业轻易获得超额利润,则会影响企业提高经营管理水平和发展生产(via:http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/等价交换)。


[1] 等价交换.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=Ky0wiODfqN0Ow9FYJQP7KFrI0bmridTRBf2ilyP82ow2vVcO5umk0zaWyqTzo0CMcxiFZ7Ccx_OYHpdRXzPcuq
[2] 等价交换.via:http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/等价交换


1. 批判商品交换原则的同一性,揭露等价交换原则的资产阶级意识形态本质,绝不是以倒退到封建专制的直接暴力为代价的,而恰恰只有商品交换原则的实现,“才会超越商品交换”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:36

1. To criticize the identity in barter principle and to disclose the essence of bourgeois ideology in the principle of the exchange of equivalents, are by no means at the expense of regressing back to the direct violence of feudal autocracy; on the contrary, only by realizing the barter principle can we “transcend barter.” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 62.

2. 可是,他认为马克思实现这种批判的路径却仍然是以“劳动力的名义”来完成的,具体而言,马克思在市场的等价交换关系中发现资本家只是支付了劳动力的“价值”,但却悄悄地无偿占有了大量剩余价值,仅就这一点而言,马克思超越了蒲鲁东等人,创立了科学批判资本主义生产方式的政治经济学。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:173

2. Nevertheless, ‘Marx’s’ critical method is, in his eyes, still achieved “in the name of labor power.” To be specific, Marx discovers that the capitalist only pays the “value” of labor power based on the equivalent exchange relations of the market but secretly appropriates a large sum of surplus value. In this connection, Marx transcends Proudhon and other capitalist economists and establishes scientific political economy critical of the capitalist mode of production. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 241.


例句 1:
Classical political economy obscures the contradiction of human relation with “equivalent exchange”, and proves for the capitalist system, while Marx exposes the nature of capital that exploits workers and plunders backward countries, he also points  out the function of capital to promote productive forces and to create culture.

例句 2:
The economics of Smith and Ricardo revealed the inner paradox of this theory, which is the contradiction between the exchange of equal values based on the natural rights of private property and the surplus value in the accumulation of capital. 

例句 3:
Professor Hu Jun has been upholding and claiming for many years that the “labor exchanges of equal amount” in the distribution according to work is the nature of socialist economic relations, as opposed to the exchange of equal value, so as to exclude the view on commodity exchange relationship, which cannot be established.





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