

字词 狭隘经验论


narrow empiricism


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:808.
[2] Mao Tse-tung: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 222-223.


狭隘经验论是经验主义的一种表现形式,指只相信自己的经验,排斥他人经验的经验主义(金炳华,2003:808)。在思想理论上,由于毛泽东一再强调反对本本主义,必须坚持从实际出发,结果被指责为“狭义经验论”。1930年5月,毛泽东写了《反对本本主义》一文,提出“没有调查,就没有发言权”的论断,任弼时到中央苏区后,认为反对“本本”主义,就是不重视理论,忽视马克思列宁主义的理论教育,指责毛泽东是“狭隘经验论”和“事务主义”(中共中央文献研究室,1994:224)。1931年11月初,在江西瑞金召开了中央苏区第一次党代表大会,会议通过的《党的建设问题决议案》认为,目前苏区党表现出的最严重的问题之一,是“马克思列宁主义最基本常识的系统教育工作,尚未能引起党的严重注意。而在党内流行着一种狭隘的经验论调,实际上是反理论的倾向而形成一种事务主义的现象”。 在中共临时中央代表团主持下通过的《政治决议案》中,把以毛泽东为代表的深入实际的做法诬蔑为是从“狭隘的经验”出发来指导革命,要求在中共内部“反对事务主义,反对狭隘的经验论”。实质上,这是“左”倾教条主义者排斥毛泽东在中央革命根据地和红军中的正确领导,是对以毛泽东为代表的在根据地做实际工作同志的攻击论调。从此,使以教条主义为特征的“左”倾错误统治在中央革命根据地进一步发展。1942年整风运动开始,对教条主义错误进行了批判;1945年在中共六届七中全会通过的《关于若干历史问题的决议》中,彻底否定了对于所谓“狭隘经验论”的诬陷之词。毛泽东在《中国革命战争的战略问题》中指出:“经验对于干部是必需的,失败确是成功之母。但是虚心接受别人的经验也属必需,如果样样要待自己经验,否则固执己见拒不接受,这就是十足的‘狭隘经验论’”(毛泽东,1991:213)。狭隘经验论轻视马克思主义理论的指导作用,排斥学习他人的经验,站在本本主义的立场上,否认了从实际出发,理论联系实际,实事求是的思想路线。因此,狭隘经验论不能把握事物的发展规律,更不能根据时间、地点和条件的变化,灵活地运用经验,在行动上有很大的盲目性。


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 中共中央文献研究室.任弼时传[M].中央文献出版社、人民出版社,1994 .
[3] 毛泽东.毛泽东选集(第三卷)[C].人民出版社,1991.


1. 战略退却,在干部和人民还没有经验时,在军事领导的权威还没有达到把战略退却的决定权集中到最少数人乃至一个人的手里而为干部所信服的地步时,说服干部和人民的问题是一个十分困难的问题。由于干部没有经验,对于战略退却不相信,在第一次和第四次反“围剿”的初期,第五次反“围剿”的整期,在这个问题上都遭遇了很大的困难。第一次反“围剿”时,由于立三路线的影响,干部的意见,在没有被说服以前,不是退却而是进攻。第四次反“围剿”时,由于军事冒险主义的影响,干部的意见是反对准备。第五次反“围剿”时,干部的意见开头是继续军事冒险主义反对诱敌深入的观点,后来是变成了军事保守主义。张国焘路线不相信在藏人和回人地区不能建立我们的根据地,直待碰壁以后方才相信也是实例。经验对于干部是必需的,失败确是成功之母。但是虚心接受别人的经验也属必需,如果样样要待自己经验,否则固执己见拒不接受,这就是十足的“狭隘经验论”。我们的战争吃这种亏是不少的。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:213-214

1. It is extremely difficult to convince the cadres and the people of the necessity of strategic retreat when they have had no experience of it, and when the prestige of the army leadership is not yet such that it can concentrate the authority for deciding on strategic retreat in the hands of a few persons or of a single person and at the same time enjoy the confidence of the cadres. Because the cadres lacked experience and had no faith in strategic retreat, great difficulties were encountered at the beginning of our first and fourth counter-campaigns and during the whole of the fifth. During the first counter-campaign the cadres, under the influence of the Li Li--san line, were in favour not of retreat but of attack until they were convinced otherwise. In the fourth counter-campaign the cadres, under the influence of military adventurism, objected to making preparations for retreat. In the fifth, they at first persisted in the military adventurist view, which opposed luring the enemy in deep, but later turned to military conservatism. Another case is that of the adherents of the Chang Kuo--tao line, who did not admit the impossibility of establishing our bases in the regions of the Tibetan and the Hui peoples until they ran up against a brick wall. Experience is essential for the cadres, and failure is indeed the mother of success. But it is also necessary to learn with an open mind from other people’s experience, and it is sheer “narrow empiricism” to insist on one’s own personal experience in all matters and, in its absence, to adhere stubbornly to one’s own opinions and reject other people’s experience. Our war has suffered in no small measure on this account. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1965: 222-223.


例句 1:
In the 20th century, the American philosopher W. Quine queried and criticized Analytic Philosophy from within; however, his aim of criticizing Logic Positivism was not to defend traditional metaphysics, but to strive in a new way to achieve the goal of a true clearing of metaphysical ontology upon the basis of overcoming the narrow Empiricism.

例句 2:
Empiricism in the narrow sense and pure rationalism came about only as a result of their further development.

例句 3:
There are three reasons that cause Locke to land himself into agnosticism: his insistence on a narrow view of empiricism; his cutting apart the dialectical relation between absoluteness and relativity of truth; his being influenced by traditional nominalism.





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