字词 | 独创性 |
释义 | 独创性【英】originality译文来源[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 440. 定义艺术创造中显示出来的与众不同的独特性。作为艺术的基本属性之一,它是艺术家创新意识和艺术个性的集中体现。独创性意味着作品在内容和形式上拥有某些以往未有过的新的特色,如取材角度新颖、形象塑造独特、艺术构思和结构方式与众不同、主题不同凡响、表现方法别具一格、媒介运用独具匠心等,体现了艺术家对生活和美的独特感受和发现以及富有个性的艺术处理方式。有独创性的作品才能唤起人的感觉兴奋、情感激荡,产生美感。独创性带有不可重复(包括不重复自己)的特点,在借鉴别人的基础上另辟蹊径,充分发挥自己的创作个性,推动艺术的不断更新和发展。独创性必须与表现对象融会契合,体现艺术家对客体对象的深刻理解和审美把握,通过创造性地运用艺术规律,把自己的个性鲜明地体现在艺术表现之中,创作出既使人感到新颖别致,又能够理解接受的作品。 定义来源金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001. 例句1. 此外,无比性可能具有各种不同的意义。这里可以谈到的一个唯一的意义、即独创性意义上的“唯一性”,是以下面这一点为前提的,即无比的个人在一定范围内所进行的活动不同于其他的个人在同一范围内所进行的活动。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:517 1. Incidentally, incomparability can have different meanings. The only meaning in question here, namely “uniqueness” in the sense of originality, presupposes that the activity of the incomparable individual in a definite sphere differs from the activity of his equals. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 440. 2. 但正是在关于即将到来的革命中农民的作用问题上,列宁显示了其思想的灵活性和独创性。他对自由派越来越不肯让步的态度,使得他更乐观地看待农民,以至于他可以自称为第一个提出在政权中联合农民的马克思主义者,从而把农民置于经典的西欧马克思主义范式中的自由派地位。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:92 2. But it was on the subject of the role of the peasantry in the coming revolution that Lenin demonstrated the flexibility and originality of his thought. His growing intransigence vis-à-vis the liberals led Lenin to view the peasantry more optimistically and he can claim to be the first Marxist who proposed associating the peasantry in political power, thus placing them in the position of the liberals in the classical West-European Marxist schema. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 99-100. 3. 列宁这本小册子的副标题是“通俗的论述”,由此可见,他并未自称是一部高度独创性的著作。列宁具体参考了英国自由党人霍布森(Hobson)(他曾主张,殖民扩张应归咎于缺乏国内的投资机会)和希法亭,但更直接的资料来源却是布哈林的《世界经济和帝国主义》,该书在列宁这本小册子的前几个月写成。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:97 3. The sub-title of Lenin’s pamphlet was A Popular Outline and, as such, did not claim to be a work of outstanding originality. Lenin made specific references to the English Liberal Hobson (who had claimed that colonial expansion was due to a lack of home investment opportunities) and to Hilferding: but his most immediate source was Bukharin’s Imperialism and the World Economy, which was completed a few months before Lenin’s pamphlet. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 105. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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