

字词 民族文化自治      

民族文化自治      【英】

cultural national autonomy


Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 18) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1978: 461.






1. 契恒凯里同志以党团的名义,为打着“建立每一个民族的自由发展所必要的机构”旗号的民族文化自治辩护,这是公然违背党纲的行为。党的第二次代表大会在批准党纲时曾专门投票否决了本质上与此相似的条文。无产阶级的政党不能容许向民族主义情绪让步,即使对以这种隐蔽形式出现的民族主义情绪也一样。——《列宁全集(第二十二卷)》,1990:280-281

1. Comrade Chkhenkeli’s defence, on behalf of the group, of cultural national autonomy under the guise of “establishing the necessary institutions for the free development of each nationality” is a direct violation of the Party Programme. The Second Congress of the Party, which adopted the Programme, rejected by a special vote what was in effect an identical formulation. Concessions to nationalist sentiment, even in this disguised form, are impermissible for a proletarian party. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 18), 1978: 461.

2. 反对党的纲领(维护民族文化自治,修改第三届杜马土地法,把建立共和国的口号挪到次要地位等等)。——《列宁全集(第二十二卷)》,1990:284

2. Against the Party Programme (defence of cultural national autonomy, revision of the agrarian laws enacted by the Third Duma, shelving the slogan of a republic, and so on). -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 18), 1978: 464.

3. 同时,孟什维克也争取到把他们的一项关于民族文化自治的要求写进宣言。——《列宁全集(第二十二卷)》,1990:477

3. Nevertheless, the Mensheviks succeeded in getting the demand for cultural national autonomy included in the declaration. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 18), 1978: 632.


例句 1:
Nowadays, Russian Federation national cultural autonomy policy has become mature and got each nation’s approval, so many national cultural autonomy organizations made significant contributions for the protection and development of national culture.

例句 2:
In the future, the federal government will legislate further to improve relations with the federation subjects and make specific laws and regulations to fully protect the rights of all nationalities, improve the Law of Cultural Ethnic Autonomy to implement national cultural autonomy.

例句 3:
National cultural autonomy is an important content in Bauer's theory and it includes the personal principle of nation, the organic adjustment on relationships between nation, state, and the evolutional politics of working class.





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