字词 | 柏拉图主义 |
释义 | 柏拉图主义【英】Platonism译文来源McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 179. 定义古希腊哲学家柏拉图哲学或柏拉图的哲学,尤指宣称理念形式是绝对的和永恒的实在,而世界中实在的现象却是不完美的和暂时的反映。宣称信仰柏拉图主义并非意味着接受柏拉图的所有见解,而往往只是对如下特定思想的认同,即理念形式是存在的、永恒的,并比世界中的现象更实在、更完美,甚至是唯一真正实在和完美的实体。这个体系还包括认为理念形式只能由灵魂所认识等。它以理念论为中心,包括宇宙论方面的宇宙生成说,认识论方面的回忆说,伦理观与社会政治观方面的四主德与理想国的学说,美学方面的“摹本”说,探求理念体系的概念辩证法以及教育学说等。他同时强调数学在物理学研究和关于实在的构造中具有较高价值。柏拉图主义是欧洲哲学史上第一个庞大的客观唯心主义体系,对后世西方哲学的影响极大,其后由基督教教父奥古斯丁改造,成为基督教的哲学论证,服务于神学教义(汪聂才,2011:65-66)。 定义来源汪聂才.新柏拉图主义对奥古斯丁灵魂思想的影响[J].现代哲学,2011(4). 例句1. 卢卡奇的这本书遭到来自共产党内部的反对,是不足为奇的。从哲理上说,该书带有左派黑格尔主义的色彩,拒绝了苏联据以解释世界的较为质朴的唯物论。确实,它把这种唯物论描述为“头脚倒置的柏拉图主义”和“资产阶级革命的观念形态”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:171 1. It is not surprising that Lukács’ book met with opposition from inside the Communist Party. Philosophically, it smacked of Left Hegelianism, and rejected the rather naive materialism that was the basis of the Soviet interpretation of the World. Indeed, it described such materialism as ‘inverted Platonism’ and the ‘ideological form of the bourgeois Revolution’, -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 179. 2. 新柏拉图主义的根源是柏拉图的客观唯心主义以及亚里士多德学说的唯心主义的一面,后者在新柏拉图派的哲学中被发展到承认神的原初存在的地步。在公元五世纪时,一个不知名的新柏拉图学派信徒曾经以雅典第一个基督教主教迪奥尼修斯法官的名义出版了他的著作,企图把基督教教义和新柏拉图主义结合起来。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十六卷)》,1964:809 2. The source of Neoplatonism was Plato’s idealism and the idealistic aspect of Aristotle’s teaching, interpreted in a mystical spirit by the Neoplatonic philosophers. In the fifth century A.D. an unknown adherent of this school, who attempted to combine the Christian doctrine with Neoplatonism, signed his works with the name of Dionysius the Areopagite, the first Christian Bishop of Athens. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 21), 1985: 491. 3. 社会思想不是从天上掉下来的,它是有机地、即通过逐渐发展而产生的。在这里我不可能叙述它的全部历史,不可能从印度人和中国人开始,然后转向波斯、埃及和犹太,并在希腊人和罗马人那里探询出他们的社会意识是怎样的,查究基督教、新柏拉图主义和教父学,倾听中世纪和阿拉伯人,研究宗教改革和新兴哲学,一直探索到18世纪。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1960:617 3. The social idea did not fall from heaven, it is organic, i.e., it arose by a process of gradual development. I cannot write here its complete history, I cannot commence with the Indians and the Chinese and proceed to Persia, Egypt and Judaea. I cannot question the Greeks and Romans about their social consciousness, I cannot take the evidence of Christianity, Neo-Platonism and patristic philosophy, I cannot listen to what the Middle Ages and the Arabs have to say, nor can I examine the Reformation and philosophy during the period of its awakening and so on up to the eighteenth century. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 520-521. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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