

字词 普遍与个别(即“一般与个别”)


universals and individuals


[2]Universals and Individuals--Is This the End of the Discussion?. via: https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ831130


普遍与个别即一般与个别。个别即单一、个体,也即单个的具体事物,又指事物的个性。普遍,即一般或本质共性,指的是同类事物中的共性和本质的部分,也即存在于个别事物中的“类”属性或本质属性。是反映客观物质世界多样性和统一性关系的一对哲学范畴。列宁对一般与个别的关系作了较全面而深刻的论述。他在《谈谈辩证法问题》一文中首先指出,研究事物要先从最简单、最常见的东西开始,即使在最简单的命题中也包含着个别与一般的关系。他精辟地揭示了个别与一般的辩证关系,首先,个别和一般是同一的,二者相互依存,不可分割。“对立面(个别跟一般相对立)是同一的:个别一定与一般相联而存在。一般只能在个别中存在,只能通过个别而存在。任何个别(不论怎样)都是一般” (列宁,1990:307)。其次,个别和一般有差别,二者不能完全等同。“任何一般都是个别的(一部分,或一方面,或本质)。任何一般只是大致地包括一切个别事物。任何个别都不能完全地包括在一般之中”(列宁,1990:307)。第三,个别和一般的联系,构成了事物之间的普遍联系。“任何个别经过千万次的过渡而与另一类的个别(事物、现象、过程)相联系”(列宁,1990:307)。毛泽东认为,“一般的东西,总是要以特殊的形式表现出来,世上没有单纯的一般存在物。所谓‘一般之中有特殊’,是指取特殊的形态表现出来的一般的东西,不是说有什么独立于一般之外的特殊东西……一般和特殊是矛盾的统一,没有单纯的一般,也没有独立在一般之外的单纯的特殊”(毛泽东,1988:202)。




1. 或者换句话说,即在一定的、当然不以意志为转移的生产方式内,总有某些异己的、不仅不以分散的个人而且也不以他们的总和为转移的实际力量统治着人们。在这种条件下,“个人关系向它的对立面即向纯粹的物的关系的转变,个人自己对个性和偶然性的区分,这正如我们已经指出的,是一个历史过程,它在发展的不同阶段上具有不同的、日益尖锐的和普遍的形式。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:438

1. Under these conditions, “The transformation of the individual relationship into its opposite, a purely material relationship, the distinction of individuality and fortuity by the individuals themselves, is a historical process, as we have already shown, and at different stages of development it assumes different, ever sharper and more universal forms. In the present epoch, the domination of material relations over individuals, and the suppression of individuality by fortuitous circumstances, has assumed its sharpest and most universal form.” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 340-341.

2. 非同一性并不因为反对抽象的同一性,就将与观念一般相对立的个别变成一种形而上学最终之物。阿多诺这里明显是批判克尔凯郭尔以后的个人本位的新人本主义。他说,如果我们为了反对理性的同一性而倒向非理性的个体生存,个人主体的思辨性的内省模式必然造成“思想的费解性和严密性(rigor)的光环和权威”,理论表现出对纯个别的“顺从”,其结果仍然是“维护现状”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:38

2. Fourth, nonidentity does not turn the particular opposed to the universal conception into a metaphysical ultimate because of objection to abstract identity. What Adorno obviously critiques here is the individual-oriented new humanism after Kierkegaard. He says, if we are for objecting to rational identity turn to irrational individual existence, the self-reflective thinking mode of individual subject is bound to result in the nimbus and the authority of intellectual impenetrability and rigor. A theory shows “obedience” to the pure particular, and the result is still “preserve the status quo”. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 64.


例句 1:
The inevitable substantialistic tendency of Economic Law will certainly result in many dissensions and conflicts of law in the practice and theory, such as ones between closing and opening, certainly and change, universality and particularity, force and voluntariness, legitimacy and standardization of state intervention.

例句 2:
In Heidegger’s view, many previous kinds of philosophy distort life when they explain it. Such distortion exists in philosophical tradition from Plato, and expresses through various dualisms, such as form and material, general and individual, essence and phenomenon.

例句 3:
Empiricist usually adopt the doctrine of abstraction to deal with the relationship between universals and particulars.





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