

字词 无意识


unconsciousness; the unconscious


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:961.
[2] Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 307.


无意识,精神分析学的基本专业术语。无意识“是包括个人的原始冲动和各种本能以及由这种本能所产生的欲望而被风俗习惯和法律道德所压抑,而不被意识所感到、所明白的深层心理部分”(邰尚贤,1998: 51)。弗洛伊德认为,人的心理包含三个部分,即意识、前意识和无意识。无意识是弗洛伊德的独创,是精神分析学说的核心,也是区别一种学派是不是精神分析学派的标志。弗洛伊德形象地把人的大脑比做大海里的冰山:意识部分就像冰山露在海面之上的一小部分,前意识相当于处于海平面的那一部分,它随着海水的波动时而露出水面,时而没入水面,而无意识则是没于海水中的硕大无比的部分。最早将意识和无意识加以明确的区别的,是德国赫尔巴特的心理学。赫尔巴特将“无意识”定义为“表象之沉于意识以下者”。德国唯心主义者哈特曼,在其《无意识哲学》一书中把无意识说成是超感觉的精神活动者、存在的基础、宇宙过程的根据。他主张宇宙的本体为无意识,而理性和意志都是它的表现形式。所谓无意识“它一方面包含着种种因潜伏而暂时不为意识所知,其余一切都与意识活动相同的活动,另一方面又包含着种种被‘压抑’的活动,如果这些活动变成意识活动,它们肯定与意识中其他种种活动形成鲜明的对照”((奥)弗洛伊德著;滕守尧译,1987: 292)。弗洛伊德认为,依据动态关系可将无意识分为两类:一类可以比较容易地在经常发生的情况下,转变成有意识的东西;一类是很难发生这种改变,必须付出巨大的努力才有希望,或者完全不可能产生变化。当然,无意识不是心理学特有的概念,而是为哲学、精神病学、心理病理学、法学、文艺、历史学等学科所共有。


[1] 邰尚贤.弗洛伊德的无意识论[M].陕西人民出版社,1998.
[2] (奥)弗洛伊德著.性爱与文明[M].滕守尧译.安徽文艺出版社,1987.


1. 黑格尔历史观的前提是抽象的或绝对的精神,这种精神正在以下面这种方式发展着:人类仅仅是这种精神的有意识或无意识的承担者,即群众。因此,思辨的、奥秘的历史在经验的、明显的历史中的发生是黑格尔一手促成的。人类的历史变成了抽象的东西的历史,因而对现实的人说来,也就是变成了人类的彼岸精神的历史。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷):神圣家族》,1957:108

1. Hegel conception of history presupposes an Abstract or Absolute Spirit which develops in such a way that mankind is a mere mass that bears the Spirit with a varying degree of consciousness or unconsciousness. Within empirical, exoteric history, therefore, Hegel makes a speculative, esoteric history, develop. The history of mankind becomes the history of the Abstract Spirit of mankind, hence a spirit far removed from the real man. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4): The Holy Family, 1975: 85.

2. 这是说,过去的哲学家们都以为自己标注为世界本原的东西就是真实的实在,而实际上,真实的情况是哲学家们“在讨论了事物之后很久”,那些被形形色色哲学奉为基始的东西(“物质”、“意识”、“自然”、“人”、“类”、“实体”、“逻各斯”、“理性”、“实践”、“无意识”、“意志”、“生命”、“意向”和“存在”等)“才会在这里发展起来”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:4-5

2. It means that, although the preceding philosophers have claimed the so-called foundation of the world is certain actual substantiality; however, the fact is, long after the philosophers has discussed things, those various kinds of alleged primacies (“substance”, “mind”, “nature”, “human”, “species”, “noumenon”, “logos”, “reason”, “practice”, “unconsciousness”, “will”, “life”, “intent” and “being”, etc.) “will here be developed.” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 18-19.

3. 鲍德里亚指认说,马克思主义与这种将人理性化的乐观主义结成了同盟。甚至,在新近出现的所谓“弗洛伊德——马克思主义”中,“无意识也被解释为人的‘自然’财富,一种被遮蔽的、在革命行为中将要爆发的职极性”。(鲍德里亚这一次瞄准的可能是前面他已经提到过的德鲁兹。)——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:229

3. For Baudrillard, Marxism allies with this optimistic rationalization of man. He thinks even in the latest Freudian-Marxist version, in which the unconscious itself is reinterpreted as “natural” wealth, a hidden positivity that will burst forth in the revolutionary act. (Baudrillard probably targets the aforementioned Deleuz this time.) -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2007: 307.


例句 1:
This thus constitutes what may be called the political unconsciousness in Chinese-Western studies.

例句 2:
The relationship between consciousness and unconsciousness has been the debate focus for psychologists.

例句 3:
The most severe challenge threatening the current state governance is a variety of irrational and anti-rationalism factors deeply rooted in the “collective unconsciousness” of the government. Such “unconsciousness” does not fit well with the construction of modern state and consequently has given rise to nationwide problems.





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