

字词 《苏联马克思主义》


Soviet Marxism: A Critical Analysis


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:987.
[2] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan press, 1998: 306.
[3] Soviet Marxism: A Critical Analysis by Herbert Marcuse. via: https://www.forgottenbooks.com/en/books/SovietMarxism_10541207


《苏联马克思主义》全名为《苏联马克思主义—— 一种批判的分析》,美籍德裔哲学家、法兰克福学派的主要代表人物之一马尔库塞著,1958年在纽约出版。苏联是人类历史上第一个开辟社会主义道路的国家,苏联的马克思主义理论,是当代马克思主义发展中的一种重要的历史形态。从十月革命至今,社会主义事业不但在实践上经历了重大的发展和曲折,而且在理论上经历了重要的探索和演变。本书探讨了苏联马克思主义与原本马克思学说的关系、斯大林思想与列宁主义的关系等重要问题,并为全面地、实事求是地评价苏联马克思主义的理论功过与是非提供了借鉴。全书分为两个部分,第一部分为“政治学原理”,包括马克思的向社会主义过渡的概念、苏联马克思主义:基本的自我解释、新的合理性、一国社会主义、苏维埃国家的辩证法、基础与上层建筑——现实与意识形态、辩证法及其变迁、从社会主义向共产主义的过渡等内容;第二部分是“伦理学原理”,包括西方伦理学与苏联伦理学:它们的历史关系、苏联伦理学——价值的外在化、共产主义道德原则、伦理学与生产力、共产主义道德趋向等内容(苏联的马克思主义. via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=ii5xs7BHJKJTakqWZcFdDktOYx7fbUg7GmTMdVkWcywoPl9yGmJYBJMk8oyOUlgKMdrA4bSN20Nx1AQWLoCHDa)。


苏联的马克思主义. via:


1. 这足以在其早期阶段造成一场革命,但我们早就知道,“不加批判的赞扬”、“热情的模仿”和“不加批判的辩解”,它们正是苏联开始确立世界霸权地位之时对马克思主义理论界所做的要求。推动着卢森堡的批判精神的,正是苏联马克思主义加以抑制的东西—— 就像卢卡奇通过《历史与阶级意识》的出版所发现的那样。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:111

1. This seems a reasonable enough point to make about a revolution in its early stages, but we know that, all too soon, ‘uncritical admiration’, ‘zealous imitation’ and ‘uncritical apologetics’ are exactly what will be required of the Marxist theoretical community when the Soviet Union begins to establish itself as a world power. The critical spirit that moves Luxemburg’s analyses is one that Soviet Marxism turns its back upon – as Lukács is about to discover with the publication of History and Class Consciousness. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 71.

2. 悲哀的是,这种争论精神不久就在苏联马克思主义内部被抑制,而只有通过这种精神,政治上的创造性发展才成为可能。像卢卡奇这样的一个忠贞的马克思主义者的批评也被正统马克思主义包围了起来,也就难怪这一理论会僵化为教条了。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:119

2. Sadly, that spirit of disputation was soon suppressed within Soviet Marxism, and with it the possibility of creative development at the political level. If the criticisms of such a committed Marxist as Lukács could not be encompassed within orthodox Marxism, it is small wonder that the theory ossified into dogma. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 76.

3. 从积极的方面来看,西方马克思主义自己没有需要搪塞的政治镇压遗产(那依然是东方阵营的领域),它在马克思主义内部保持着活跃的论争精神:这种精神在斯大林时代与改革时期之间的苏联马克思主义那里丢失得差不多了。——《后马克思主义思想史》, 2011:120

3. On the plus side, Western Marxism has no legacy of political repression of its own to explain away (that remains the province of the Eastern bloc), and it has kept alive the spirit of debate within Marxism: a spirit that is largely missing in Soviet Marxism between the days of Stalin and perestroika. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 77.


例句 1:
Before mid-1960s, He had published several famous works, such as Reason and Revolution, Eros and Civilization, Soviet Marxism and One-Dimensional Man, but his reputation was limited in academic circles.





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