字词 | 文化大革命 |
释义 | 文化大革命【英】the Cultural Revolution译文来源Xi Jinping, Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 150. 定义文化大革命是一场由领导者错误发动,被反革命集团利用,给党、国家和各族人民带来严重灾难的内乱。简称“文革”。1966年5月至1976年10月由毛泽东错误发动和领导,被林彪、江青两个反革命集团利用进行篡党夺权,给党、国家和各族人民带来严重灾难的内乱。发动的指导思想是所谓“无产阶级专政下继续革命的理论”。“文革”共分三个阶段。(1)从开始发动到中国共产党第九次全国代表大会的召开。1966年5月中共中央政治局扩大会议和同年8月中共八届十一中全会的召开,是“文革”全面发动的标志。这两次会议通过的《五·一六通知》和《关于无产阶级文化大革命的决定》,对所谓“刘少奇、邓小平资产阶级司令部”进行错误斗争,成立了“中央文革小组”。林彪、江青等人乘机煽动打倒一切的全面内战,使全国各部门和各地方的党政领导机构几乎都被夺权或改组。中共九大使“文革”的错误理论和实践合法化。(2)从中共九大到十大。1970年至1971年间,发生了林彪策动反革命政变被粉碎的事件。1972年在批判林彪过程中,周恩来提出批判极左思潮的正确主张,但未被采纳。中共十大使“四人帮”在中央政治局的势力得到加强。(3)从中共十大到1976年10月。1974年初,江青等发动所谓“批林批孔”运动,把矛头指向周恩来。毛泽东先是批准开展这一运动,后又指出江青有野心。邓小平主持中央日常工作时期,着手对许多方面进行整顿,使形势有了明显好转。但毛泽东又发动了“批邓、反击右倾翻案风”运动,使全国再度陷入混乱。1976年9月毛泽东逝世后,江青反革命集团加紧夺取党和国家最高领导权的阴谋活动。10月上旬中共中央政治局毅然粉碎了江青反革命集团,结束了“文革”这场灾难。1978年12月中共十一届三中全会开始全面纠正“文化大革命”的错误。1981年6月中共十一届六中全会通过《关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议》,对“文革”作出了正确的结论(余源培,2004)。在整个“文革”期间唯心主义猖獗,形而上学横行,马克思主义遭到空前的歪曲和篡改。邓小平指出,“文革”是“严重的、全局性的错误,它的后果极其严重”(邓小平,1994:302)。因此,要认真吸取经验教训,从制度方面解决问题,以避免“文革”这样的错误。 定义来源[1] 余源培.邓小平理论辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2004. 例句1. 1978年,我们党召开具有重大历史意义的十一届三中全会,开启了改革开放历史新时期,发展社会主义民主、健全社会主义法制成为党和国家坚定不移的基本方针。就是在这次会议上,邓小平同志深刻指出:“为了保障人民民主,必须加强法制。必须使民主制度化、法律化,使这种制度和法律不因领导人的改变而改变,不因领导人的看法和注意力的改变而改变,根据党的十一届三中全会确立的路线方针政策,总结我国社会主义建设正反两方面经验,深刻吸取十年“文化大革命”的沉痛教训,借鉴世界社会主义成败得失,适应我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设、加强社会主义民主法制建设的新要求,我们制定了我国现行宪法。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:136 1. In 1978 the CPC convened the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee, which was of great historical significance, ushering in a new historical period of reform and opening up. Developing socialist democracy and improving the socialist legal system became the unalterable basic principle of the Party and the state. It was at this meeting that Deng Xiaoping pointed out profoundly: “To ensure peopled democracy we must strengthen our legal system. Democracy has to be institutionalized and written into law, so as to make sure that institutions and laws do not change whenever the leadership changes, or whenever the leaders change their views or shift the focus of their attention.” In accordance with the guidelines, principles and policies set forth at the Third Plenary Session, we reviewed China5s positive and negative experience in building socialism, drew the hard lessons from the ten-year Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), learned from the gains and losses of world socialism, and adapted to the new requirements of reform and opening up and socialist modernization, and the new demands of socialist democracy and the legal system in China, whereby we promulgated the current Constitution. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 150. 2. 如果巴塔耶的逻辑真的具备现实化的可能,倒会令人联想起前苏联小说《切文古尔镇》和中国的那场“文化大革命”,在那些拒斥物质利益的时空中,人们完全放弃了功利性的生产,或者心安理得地,眼看着麦田里日益野草荒芜,荒唐盲目地枪毙所谓的“资产阶级”;或者激情洋溢地跳着似乎是具有神性的“忠字舞”,以某种不可思议的热情进行种种象征性的革命行动,人们欣喜地任凭可恶的经济一步步走向全面崩溃,最终的结局是可想而知的。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2011:161 2. If Bataille’s thought would be actualized, it might stage the scene in Andrei Platonov’s Gradov City or the Chinese Cultural Revolution, where people denied material interest, completely stopped utilitarian production, indifferently saw the weeds growing in the cornfield, blindly shot the so-called bourgeoisie, or passionately performed the “Loyalty Dance”. With incredible enthusiasm, people joined the symbolic revolutionary activities and happily allowed the detestable economy end in collapse. The miserable result is not difficult to imagine. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 226. 3. 1962年以后,经济形势有所好转,但为了抗击再次出现不平等,又开始酝酿“文化大革命”。对私有部门、激励机制和作为衡量经济活力指标的利润的重视,所有这一切都同刘少奇及“走资派”挂起钩来。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:231 3. The economic situation improved after 1962, but the Cultural Revolution of 1966-9 was intended, among other things, to combat the re-emergence of inequality. The importance of the private sector, incentive schemes, and profit as a measure of economic viability were all associated with Liu Shao-ch'i and the ‘capitalist roaders’. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 241. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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