

字词 敦煌壁画技法


Painting Techniques in Dunhuang Murals


表现敦煌壁画风格的技巧与方法。构成敦熄壁画技法的主要因素有四: (1 )布局。又称经营位置、构图等。( 2 )线描;以线写形是敦煌壁画的造型基础。( 3 )敷彩。敦煌壁画十 分重视取悦众目的色彩效果。( 4 )传神。这是艺术生命力的 集中表现。壁画人物的一举一动,无不存在传神要素,如人面表情,目光所视,人与人、人与环境关系等,内容非常广泛。

Painting Techniques in the Dunhuang Murals: a set of unique artistic styles and distinctive techniques. There are four basic elements: (1) layout, also known as operating location or composition, etc.; (2) line drawing, a foundational technique in Dunhuang murals; (3) coloring, which aims to achieve an effect pleasing to the eye; (4) expressiveness, the core of artistic vitality. The last element comprises a wide range of components such as facial and eye expressions, the relationship between different figures as well as that between figures and their environment in the painting, etc. In a word, expressiveness should be the goal in depicting every posture and movement of a figure.





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