

字词 敦煌




地名,位于甘肃省西部偏南 ,河西走廊西端。北纬40°10′,东经94°40′。始见于《史记 ·大宛列传》。当中原文化在敦煌扎根成长的同时,发源于印度的佛教文化也通过丝绸之路传到了敦煌。前秦建元二年(366),禅僧乐僔在距敦煌二十五公里处的鸣沙山东麓断岩上,开凿了莫高窟第一个洞窟。此后,在莫高窟开窟造像的人逐渐增多。莫高窟的开凿活动也一直在持续,敦煌的佛教和石窟艺术发展到了全盛时期。贞元二年(786)敦煌进入吐蕃管辖时期。在吐蕃统治者的倡导下,当地民众信仰佛教者日益增多,使沙州佛教势力迅速膨胀。大中二年(848)沙州大族张议潮乘机率领各族人民起义,逐走吐蕃统治者,遣使归降唐廷。北宋建立以后,敦煌与中原、西域联系的加强和各地僧人的频繁往来,促进了各地间佛教文化的交流。1986年12月,敦煌被国家列为历史文化名城。1987年8月,敦煌县改为县级市。同年12月,敦煌莫高窟被联合国教科文组织列入“世界文化遗产名录”。

Dunhuang (coordinates: 40°10′N 94°40′E): located at the western end of the Hexi Corridor (part of the Northern Silk Road) in northwestern Gansu Province. Its name was first mentioned in the Chapter of “Treatise on the Dayuan” in the Records of the Grand Historian. At the time when Central Plain culture from the lower reaches of the Yellow River began to influence Dunhuang , Buddhism was also spreading there from India via the Silk Road. In the second year of the Jianyuan Reign of the Former Qin State (AD 366), a Buddhist monk named Le Zun (乐僔 in Chinese, also pronounced Yuezun) built the first Mogao cave on a cliff at the eastern foot of Mingsha Mountain situated 25 kilometers from Dunhuang County. Later, a growing number of Buddhist monks began to construct caves there, and the construction of the Mogao Caves continued for years until Buddhist cave art in Dunhuang reached its zenith. Dunhuang came under Tibetan rule after the second year of the Zhenyuan Reign of Emperor Dezong in the Tang Dynasty (AD 786). Due to Tibetan promotion of Buddhism, the number of local believers constantly increased; as a result, Buddhism exerted an expanding influence on Dunhuang (known at that time as Shazhou City). General Zhang Yichao, from a distinguished family in Shaozhou City, led an uprising





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