字词 | 教义 |
释义 | 教义【英】religious doctrine; creed; tenet; dogma译文来源[1] Rekigious doctrine.via:http://www.thefreedictionary.com/religious+doctrine 定义教义doctrine一词来自拉丁文doctrina,意即指导或教导。在应用上,它有主动和被动二义:可以主动地指知识传授,也可以指被动的、所传授的教义(教义.via:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%95%99%E4%B9%89?sefr=cr)。亦称“教理”、“学说”。原意为“教诲”、“教导”。宗教意义上指某一宗教所持信仰观念的总体。教条是教义的纲要,教义是对教条系统地阐发(教义.via:http://gongjushu.cnki.net/refbook/detail.aspx?db=crfd&RECID=R2011060010002676)。亦称信理、信条、教理。希腊文原意指看似正确的信仰或见解。基督教指对信仰绝对必要而为教会正式宣布的权威教义,认为它作为教会表述上帝之道的信经而无谬误,对之否定者则被视为异端(金炳华,2001:639)。 定义来源[1] 教义.via:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%95%99%E4%B9%89?sefr=cr 例句1. 我不想直接指认马克思那个关于“龙种”与“跳蚤”的借喻,因为这大令人难堪。当然,我也还得说明,今天我们提出“回到马克思”,绝不是企图寻求和凝固化一种原教旨主义式的本真教义,而恰恰是要开拓一个开放文本的崭新期待视野。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:7 1. I do not wish to directly identify Marx’s metaphor of the “dragon’s seed” or the “flea”; so doing would only be embarrassing. Of course, I must also point out that by proposing a “return to Marx”, I am not attempting to solidify a kind of fundamentalist dogmatic precept, but rather opening a new level of understanding in Marx’s texts. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: xx. 2. 众所周知,在宗教改革中,路德的意义是将中世纪那种外在于人的神(帝)直接化解在人的内心中,让教条的神学教义变成个体生存的内省自悟,从而使彼岸世界融于此岸现世。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:125 2. We are familiar with the role Martine Luther played in the religious reformation of the 16th century; he distilled the externalized God of the Middle Ages into the human heart, transforming dogmatic theological precepts into individual self-awareness and introspection, thus bringing the world beyond into this world. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 85. 3. “你现在到兄弟会传教士图书馆去借一本法律手册,你就会看到,第2卷第1册第783条这一条除了责成区警察局长要注意根绝决斗、诽谤、酗酒、违章狩猎、公共浴堂男女混浴等现象以外,还责成他监视反对正教教义的争论,监视引诱正教教徒改信其他宗教或加入分裂派的行为!” ——《列宁全集(第五卷)》,1986:300 3. “Go to the library of the missionary brotherhood, and take down the handbook of laws. There you will read in Article 783, Volume Ⅱ, Part Ⅰ, that it is the duty of the rural chief of police, in addition to preventing dueling, lampooning, drunkenness, hunting in the close season, and men and women washing together in public baths, to keep observation over the arguments directed against the dogmas of the Orthodox Church and to prevent the seduction of the orthodox to other faiths and schisms!” - Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1977: 291. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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