

字词 《真理与方法》


Truth and Method


Truth and Method. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth_and_Method




[1] 洪汉鼎.真理与方法(译者序言)[M].上海译文出版社,1999.
[2] 加达默尔.真理与方法(导言)[M].上海译文出版社,1999.
[3] 侯纯.真理的启示——读加达默尔的《真理与方法》[J].燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2005(4).


1. 伽达默尔的解释学可以用实践哲学来加以概括,这种概括应涵盖其思想的前后期。然而,作为前期代表作的《真理与方法》在这方面所占比重和篇幅很小,以致人们很难将它与实践哲学联系起来。其实,伽达默尔这部经典本身就具有实践哲学的性质,它集中体现于该书第二部分的“亚里士多德解释学的现实意义”一节中。此节包含作者对亚里士多德伦理学的一种解释学的解读,可视为《真理与方法》的核心,它奠定了伽达默尔整个实践哲学的基础,并影响到其后期思想发展的根本方向。 ——“伽达默尔《真理与方法》中的实践哲学——析此书关于亚里士多德伦理学的解读及意义”,载于《求是学刊》2010年第6期第22页

1. Gadamer’s hermeneutics can be summarized as practical philosophy, which should cover his early and late thinking. However, as the early masterpiece Truth and Method contains a very small proportion in this theme, it seems difficult for many readers to link it with practical philosophy. In fact, this classic by Gadamer belongs to practical philosophy, which is embodied in the second part of the book, the section “The hermeneutic relevance of Aristotle”. This section contains an interpretation of the ethics of Aristotle, which can be regarded as the core of Truth and Method. It lays the basis of Gadamer’s practical philosophy, and affects the fundamental direction of development of his later thinking. -Quoted from Gadamer’s Practical Philosophy in Truth and Method—Interpretation of Ethics of Aristotle in This Book and Its Significance, 2010: 29.


例句 1:
Gadamer is the founder of philosophical hermeneutics, in his masterpiece “truth and method” in put forward a series of new ideas of hermeneutics, which is very representative of his research on the “foresight” problem.

例句 2:
Gadamer was one of the greatest philosophers of the twentieth Century, his book of truth and method laid the position of philosophical hermeneutics in the last century.

例句 3:
In “truth and method”, an important concept relation principle of effective history and time distance, tradition and prejudice, pre understanding, fusion of horizons, such as hermeneutic circle of philosophical hermeneutics closely; and effective historical consciousness and artistic experience, hermeneutics experience, language ontology, ask important questions answer logic of hermeneutics is closely linked, and connected to the history of philosophical hermeneutics, aesthetics field, the field of language.





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