

字词 批评和自我批评


criticism and self-criticism


[1]Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 401.
[2]Criticism and Self-Criticism. via: http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Criticism+and+Self-Criticism






1. 优良作风就是我们党历来坚持的理论联系实际、密切联系群众、批评和自我批评以及艰苦奋斗、求真务实等作风。在革命、建设、改革长期实践中,我们党始终要求全党同志坚持光荣传统、发扬优良作风,为党和人民事业不断从胜利走向胜利提供了重要保障。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:366

1. It means respecting the Party’s long-held traditions of linking theory with practice, maintaining close ties with the people, engaging in criticism and self-criticism, cultivating tenacity in work, pursuing the truth and being pragmatic. All through the Party’s long period of revolution, construction and reform, the Party has always demanded that all its members maintain its fine tradition, and this is what has underpinned one victory after another for the Party and the people. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 1965: 401.

2. 洗冼澡,主要是以整风的精神开展批评和自我批评,深入分析发生问题的原因,清洗思想和行为上的灰尘,既要解决实际问题,更要解决思想问题,保持共产党人政治本色。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:376

2. To “take a bath,” Party members should follow the spirit of the Rectification Movement and engage in criticism and self-criticism among themselves. They should conduct in-depth analysis of the reasons for their problems, dust off their minds and their actions, and on -the basis of what they find beneath, address both problems in their way of thinking and in their conduct, so as to maintain the political integrity of Communists. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 1965: 414.

3. 第三,以整风精神开展批评和自我批评。批评和自我批评是我们党的优良传统,是增强党组织战斗力、维护党的团结统一的有效武器。为什么说要以整风精神来抓?因为党内脱离群众的种种问题特别是“四风”问题都是顽症,要真正解决问题,就要有拋开面子、揭短亮丑的勇气,有动真碰硬、敢于交锋的精神,有深挖根源、触动灵魂的态度。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:377

3. Third, engaging in criticism and self-criticism following the spirit of the Rectification Movement. Criticism and self-criticism is a good Party tradition, and an effective weapon for enhancing the capacity of Party organizations in their effort to maintain unity and solidarity inside the Party. Why do we need to follow the spirit of the Rectification Movement and engage in criticism and self-criticism? -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 1965: 415.


例句 1:
This paper attempts to analyze the main reasons for criticism and self-criticism, and provides such corresponding measures as to raise the level of consciousness, to master and make good use of the policy, to strengthen the leadership of the Party, and to better the systems and institutions inside the Party.

例句 2:
Criticism and self-criticism is the fine tradition of the Communist Party of China, and important magic weapon in party’s construction.

例句 3:
Criticism and self-criticism have an abundant philosophical connotation, and constructive criticism & self-criticism are the foundation of a Marxist party to draw its correct lines, guiding principles and policies.





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